Jesuit immersion in an Islamic school – An Indonesian Experience

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In early July 2009, eighteen Jesuit scholastics studying philosophy in Jakarta travelled twelve hours by road to an Islamic boarding school in Salatiga in the Province of Central Java. Accompanied by two Jesuit priests – Frs. YB Heru Prakosa and Greg Soetomo – they were on their way to living in that boarding house with Muslim Clerics. Is this kind of engagement significant? What is the purpose of involvement in the Muslim community?

Synergy of Friends in Indonesia

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Fr Pedro Walpole (PHI), through his engagement with Asia Forest Network (AFN), had an opportunity to follow up on the actions agreed upon during the Jesuit Conference Social Ministries meeting in Manila last August. In October 2009, with Rowena Soriaga of AFN, he visited several Jesuits in Indonesia interested in contributing to a network of people currently involved in environment related activities.

Returning to Thailand

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Fr Martin Suhartono will be returning to Thailand, where the entire region will all surely be glad to welcome him. For now, he will be assigned to Xavier Hall, and have a chance to brush up his Thai. He is expected to arrive on November 1 (All Saints Day!). With many thanks to Fr Riyo Mursanto, provincial of Indonesia, for his generosity in remembering Thailand.

Brothers’ take on GC35

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Twenty-nine Jesuit Brothers gathered in Yogyakarta, Indonesia last 15 – 21 July. Sixteen of them came from provinces outside Indonesia.

They shared common experiences regarding vocation promotion, formation, and identity. For their reflection points on the theme Our identity and mission in the light of GC35, they were guided by Fr Paul Wiryono Priyatamtama (IDO), Bro James Boynton (DET), Fr Danny Huang (PHI), and Fr Joe Daoust (DET).

Interview with Father General

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During the month of July, as mentioned in previous editions of the S.J. Electronic Information Service, Father General made two important trips. One of them was in Asia where he visited the Philippines, (the occasion was the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the return of the Jesuits to the country), and Indonesia, for the 150th anniversary of the “modern” presence of the Society of Jesus in that nation. We present here his responses to our questions.

Jesuits among Muslims in Asia

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The JCEAO Consultation on Islam, held in Yogyakarta, July 21-22, gathered six Jesuits active in the study of Islam and engaged in solidarity actions with Muslims: Heru Prakosa and Greg Soetomo (Indonesia Province) hosted, Aloysius Mowe (Malaysia), Albert Alejo and Rene Oliveros (Philippines), Dan Madigan (Chair in Islamic Studies at Georgetown U) and Mark Raper, President of JCEAO.

The consultation proposed to build a network that will help Jesuits and companions of Asia Pacific gain a better understanding for Muslims and of the role of Islam in our region. Other goals include: engaging in dialogue with Muslims in ways that enhance our own faith and challenge our theological understanding; gaining greater understanding of religious fundamentalism and its strength in Asia Pacific; and supporting solidarity with Muslim brothers and sisters in Asia Pacific on behalf of human rights, peace and good governance.

Father General’s trip to the Philippines and Indonesia

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From 11 – 14 July Father General will visit the Philippine Province to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the return of the Jesuits to the country (see further on) and the founding of what is today the Ateneo de Manila University. In 1768, the Jesuits of the Philippine Province, 154 in all, were expelled by order of King Charles III of Spain. They returned almost a hundred years later, in 1859, with the intention of evangelizing the southern island of Mindanao. Besides undertaking this pioneering missionary work, in December of the same year they assumed responsibility for the Escuela Pia, later renamed Ateneo Municipal. The present day Ateneo de Manila University has a student population of over 18.000. The Sesquicentennial Anniversary Eucharistic celebration will be held on July 12; Father General will be the principal celebrant. About 4.000 people, including 200 Jesuits, are expected to participate. The next day Father Nicolás will deliver the keynote address on: "Issues and challenges in Jesuit education today" before a group of Jesuits and their lay collaborators from the five universities, one college and other schools of the Philippine Province.

150 years Jesuits in Indonesia

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The Jesuits are celebrating their 150 years of service in Indonesia on 19 – 20 July at Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta. The Jesuit modern mission there (long after St Francis Xavier served in Celebes and Mollucas in 16th century) began on 9 July 1859 when Frs Martin van den Elzen and John Baptist Pallinckx (NER) arrived in Batavia (Jakarta).