Candidates selection in Indonesia

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From February 25 to March 3 Indonesia made the candidates’ selection for 2009. There were 19 candidates who came from 5 minor seminaries and vocation promotion team. From St. Peter Canisius Mertoyudan Magelang were eight candidates, St. Wacana Bhakti, Jakarta had six, St. Vincent a Paulo Minor Seminary, Garum East Java had one, St. Petrus Claver minor Seminary, Ujung Pandang, Sulawesi had one, Lalean Seminary, Atambua, West Timor also one, and Vocation promotion team got 2 candidates.

Sanata Dharma celebrates 53rd Anniversary

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Sanata Dharma Jesuit University at Yogyakarta celebrated its 53th anniversary on December 20. This well respected university now offers 25 undergraduate study programs and four graduate programs. Strongest among these programs are pharmacy, English teaching and literature, psychology, elementary teacher education, and information technology. The university serves 9,028 students with 791 students enjoying scholarships. This year, 1,983 fresh students began their study and 2,343 students graduated from the university.

Indonesia Province GC 35 Study Day

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On October 29 – 30, Indonesian province members gathered for study and reflection on the graces, process, and decrees of the General Congregation 35. The meeting, held in Panti Semedi Jesuit Retreat House at Klaten, was also intended to prepare the province for further planning. [Modern Jesuits in Indonesian began 150 years ago, in 1859, when two Dutch missionaries landed at Batavia (now Jakarta).] 111 Indonesian Jesuits (out of 361 members) actively participated in the meeting by listening to the points of the GC 35 and interiorizing them in the small group conversations.

Handover in Indonesia

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The ceremonial handover was held on July 21, at the end of the meeting of Local superiors and Directors of works. Fr Paul Wiryono, the former provincial read the letter from Fr General. Then Fr Priyono Marwan, current provincial, handed the letter to Fr Riyo Mursanto, the new provincial, along with a cellphone (a symbol of communication) and a key (a symbol of the treasurer’s box).

Fr Martin now a Carthusian novice

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Fr Martin Suhartono (IDO) has taken the Carthusian habit as novice. He got special permission to send the e-mail on his novice director’s computer, and even attached two photos, which should bring joy to all our hearts. He writes that he is very happy, and his smile in the pictures surely confirms it. His new name is now Dom Ambrose Mary He left Indonesia on December 7, feast of St. Ambrose, and entered Parkminster on December 8, solemnity of Mary’s Immaculate Conception. Let us continue to pray for Dom Ambrose Mary!

Active vocations in Indonesia

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Eleven second-year novices pronounced their first vows at St. Stanislaus Novitiate, Girisonta, Central Java, on June 24. Together with three former juniors from Arrupe International Residence, Manila, they will start their philosophy formation at Driyarkara School of Philosophy, Jakarta, beginning in the new academic year in September 2007.

Indonesian regents to different missions

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The Indonesian Province happily sends 15 new regents this year to various apostolates. Five of them are missioned to Cambodia, Micronesia, Pakistan and Thailand. The others will spend their regency in university (Yogyakarta), student ministry (Jakarta), technical training center (Jakarta), high schools (Jakarta, Mertoyudan/Central Java and Nabire/West Papua), vocational school (Semarang), minor seminaries (Jakarta and Mertoyudan), and parishes (Tarutung/North Sumatra and Yogyakarta).

Fr. Jim Spillane reports from Yogyakarta

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Monday 29 May 2006. Greetings from Yogya in agony. Most of the worst devastation occurred south of the city while our Jesuit residence is located on the north side. Our newly constructed house was able to handle the severe shaking and there was very little damage to our building, thank God. The nearby new campus has had some damage and we are awaiting advice on whether some of the buildings can be entered.