Jesuit Tertianship Immersion Programme: Seeking interreligious dialogue and ecological renewal

Eight Tertians from the Philippines, Indonesia, Slovakia, Malaysia, and Thailand embarked on a week-long immersion programme designed to foster interfaith dialogue and ecological awareness. Held from 23 to 30 April at Pondok Pesantren Ath Thariq, an Islamic boarding house in … Continued

Strengthening our education apostolate

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Education delegates from across our Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) gathered in Bali, Indonesia, from 10 to 13 April to foster collaboration and synergy in Jesuit education. The first in-person meeting to take place in several years, the event … Continued

Care for the quality of Ignatian formation

The annual conference of the Ignatian Spirituality Network (ISN) was recently held at the Manresa Center of Spirituality in Changhua, Taiwan. The conference included delegates from 12 provinces and regions. A total of 17 participants attended, including myself, a laywoman, … Continued

Democracy as a collective responsibility

On 14 February, Indonesians will exercise their right to elect a new President and Vice President. As Christians—comprising 3.06 percent Catholics (about 8.5 million) and 10.48 percent Protestants (about 20.7 million)—we may wonder about the impact of our collective voice. … Continued

Of religious vows and freedom in Jesuit life

posted in: Formation, JCAP News | 0

For three days, from 24-26 January, novices from the different provinces across the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) gathered online to deepen their understanding of the religious vows, especially in the context of their current stage of formation. Guided … Continued

A moment of sharing and listening in Girisonta

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Girisonta is a place of great significance for the Indonesian Jesuits. It marks both the beginning and end of their Jesuit journeys. The Novice Directors of our Jesuit conference are grateful to the Stanislaus Kostka Novitiate community in Girisonta for … Continued

Becoming quality evangelists: Four new Jesuit deacons in Indonesia

There are six specific qualities that priest candidates and scholastics must fulfil before their diaconate and priestly ordinations: personal integrity, spirituality, intellect, pastoral care, community life, and physical and mental health. All of these must be continuously strived for in … Continued

Digital evangelization: The Indonesian church experience

Around 50 scholastics, brothers, and priests from 12 different provinces across the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific gathered at Kampoeng Media, Yogyakarta, from 19 to 28 December for the annual Scholastics and Brothers Circle (SBC) meeting. Entitled “Digital Evangelization: Indonesian … Continued

Encountering resilience: JRS Indonesia’s refugee programme

Indonesia, an archipelago of over 17,000 islands, has a long history of being a temporary stop and place of refuge for many refugees and asylum seekers. The country has inadvertently become their extended home, where local communities and organisations such … Continued