Building our Jesuit identity at PT Kanisius

On 26 January 2022, Kanisius Publishing and Printing (PT Kanisius), a Jesuit apostolate of the Indonesian Province, commemorated a century of dedicated work. Reflecting on Kanisius’ centenary brought us greater awareness and appreciation of the graces and milestones achieved over … Continued

Concretizing care for creation: Insights from the Laudate Deum online forum

What is the message and call of Laudate Deum for our context in Asia Pacific today? This was the question that guided the online panel discussion on 8 November hosted by the Reconciliation with Creation network in collaboration with Jesuit … Continued

River, mountain, people: Reflections from the 12th Service Learning Program

Service Learning Program (SLP) is one of several programmes under the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities in Asia Pacific. It is attended by students of Jesuit universities around our Jesuit conference. This year, SLP was hosted by Xavier Learning … Continued

MAGIS 2023 opens in Lisbon

The long-awaited MAGIS 2023 officially opened on 22 July with an enthusiastic welcome for the nearly 2,000 young pilgrims from more than 80 countries, including 225 pilgrims from Asia Pacific. During the welcome ceremony held at the Colégio de São … Continued

The “language of the heart” and other reflections from the Asia Pacific Tertianship programme

The Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific runs a Tertianship programme based in Manila from September to March of the following year. Tertianship is the final period of formal religious formation for Jesuit priests and brothers before they profess their Final … Continued