A burning chaff
The Migrants and Refugees Network of JCAP had the opportunity to gather online, and while there hadn’t been a meeting like this in a long time, it meant a lot. Listening to the stories of two victims, Sara Muzamil in … Continued
The Migrants and Refugees Network of JCAP had the opportunity to gather online, and while there hadn’t been a meeting like this in a long time, it meant a lot. Listening to the stories of two victims, Sara Muzamil in … Continued
Indonesian Jesuit Paulus Hastra Kurdani (Dani) was ordained a deacon alongside seven Jesuits from different parts of the world by Cardinal Carlos Osoro, Archbishop of Madrid, at the Church of San Francisco Javier and San Luis Gonzaga in Mártires de … Continued
We cannot separate our life from our relationship with other people, with one another. To be able to understand and see ourselves deeply requires great energy and strong will. During a three-day workshop, from 20 to 22 January, with the … Continued
The Indonesian Province is thrice blessed with the profession of Final Vows of Fr Yulius Eko Sulistyo SJ, Fr Albertus Buddy Haryadi SJ, and Fr Antonius Sumarwan SJ at the church of the Blessed Virgin Mary the Queen parish in … Continued
The Association of Indonesian Jesuit Schools Alumni (AAJI) organised a blood donation drive on the first week of November. Even without the pandemic, the demand for blood is increasing worldwide. Inspired by the Jesuit motto of “becoming men and women … Continued
I was enthralled by an ant as I walked towards the kitchen, bringing along my empty plate and glass to be washed. I came to a halt, setting down my plate and glass in order to get a look at … Continued
The Indonesian Province of the Society of Jesus was filled with joie-de-vivre with the profession of Final Vows of Fathers Agustinus Sarwanto SJ and Ignatius Dradjat Soesilo SJ, and Br Yohannes Paulus Sunari SJ before Indonesian Provincial Fr Benedictus Hari … Continued
From 6 to 8 October, novices across the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) came together for an inaugural event to celebrate their companionship in the Society, and recall St Ignatius’ spiritual journey and what this means for them in … Continued
Ten Jesuits in Jakarta, Nabire, Yogyakarta, and Manila participated in the London Virtual Marathon on 3 October to help the Indonesian Province Development Office raise funds for Jesuits in formation. In the lead up to the marathon, four other Jesuits, … Continued
The Society of Jesus in Indonesia marked 50 years as a province with a Eucharistic celebration on 11 September in St Joseph’s Church in Gedangan. Since attendance restrictions limited the number of people who could be present in the church, … Continued