Japanese Province (JPN)

Bridging cultures for a sustainable future
From 2 to 7 March, Xavier Learning Community (XLC) in Chiang Rai, Thailand, hosted the “Learning from Southeast Asia” programme, which brought together students and...read more

Diaconate Ordination in Tokyo
Scholastic Nguyễn Thành Ân was ordained to the diaconate in the St Mary’s Chapel of St Ignatius Church, Tokyo, on 24 February by Most Reverend...read more

Remembering Fr Eduardo Jorge Anzorena SJ
Although he always signed himself “EJ Anzorena,” Fr Anzorena was known by his middle name “Jorge” (“George” among English-speaking friends). Having attended a German-sponsored technical...read more

Sainthood cause of Fr Pedro Arrupe moves to the Vatican
The Closing Session of the diocesan-level inquiry into the life, virtues, reputation for holiness, and signs of the Servant of God Fr Pedro Arrupe SJ...read more

Priestly ordination in Tokyo
Fr Paul Yamauchi Yutaka was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Tarcisio Isao Kikuchi in St Ignatius Church, Tokyo, on 14 September. Among the 44...read more

Elisabeth University of Music: Treasuring the past, moving forward with the spirit
In 1945, Belgian Jesuit missionary Fr Ernest Goossens SJ sought to convey a message of peace and inner healing for survivors of the atomic bomb...read more

Living with the soil as brothers and sisters from many nations
Since reading Laudato sí, I have been contemplating how I can nurture a spirituality of ecology within myself. Covid gave me the idea of turning...read more

Being formed as one flock, with one shepherd
“I am the good shepherd; I know mine and mine know me… and they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one...read more

Strengthening our education apostolate
Education delegates from across our Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) gathered in Bali, Indonesia, from 10 to 13 April to foster collaboration and synergy...read more