Nothing new, everything new!

“Father General, what is really new about the Universal Apostolic Preferences?” “I can answer it in different ways: Nothing new, everything new.” Fr Arturo Sosa was responding to Gollapalle Krupa Rao, a scholastic from the Jesuit Conference of South Asia … Continued

Remembering Fr Thomas “Tom” O’Gorman SJ

Fr Thomas H O’Gorman SJ died at the age of 89 on 22 November at the Jesuit Health and Wellness Center in Manila. He had served the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) for many decades. News of his death … Continued

Asia Pacific hosts second global gathering of Jesuit schools

Leaders and educators from our Jesuit global network of schools congregated online for the second Jesuit education (JESEDU) Global Colloquium hosted by the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP). The first gathering was held in Boston College, USA nine years … Continued