Jesuit Seven-Year Plan for the Environment

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The Jesuit Seven-Year Plan for the Environment was launched at a ceremony at Windsor Castle in England on November 4, along with hundreds of other plans by different faiths, denominations, and religious orders.

Jesuit conferences, provinces, works, communities, and individuals are encouraged, with the help of this plan, to fulfill the mandate of GC35 to "move beyond doubts and indifference and take responsibility for our home, the earth" (D. 3, no. 31).

Communiqué about Promotio Iustitiae

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In the light of our option in favour of the environment and with full awareness of the new opportunities offered by the digital world, the Social Justice Secretariat has decided that its journal, Promotio Iustitiae, will be published only in an electronic format, starting with the next issue. Thus, the most recent issue, number 101 (2009/1), is the last one you will receive printed on paper.

The new Jesuit Social Apostolate database is now online

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All Jesuits and partners in mission are welcome to utilize this new site,, which seeks to profile the breadth and range of Jesuit social action, analysis and advocacy across the world. Using data from the Universal Catalogue of the Social Apostolate (2008) as a primary source, the website arranges centres by their thematic focus. You may select from among 35 languages and then navigate the data by interactive mapping, keyword search or alphabetical/thematic listing.

Building support for our apostolates

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On June 1 – 2, sixteen participants from all over Asia and the Pacific joined Mr. Charles (Chuck) Duffy, from the Roman Curia, in a Development Officers’ Workshop on the Ateneo de Manila Campus. This initiative, coming from Fr Peter Hans Kolvenbach, seeks to establish in every Jesuit Province and Region a development mechanism to support our various apostolates.

The resolutions from this group will be presented to the Major Superiors in their July meeting, and it is expected that a four-day training session will follow in late February 2010.

The Visit of Fr General in Japan

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The major reason for the trip of Fr General to Japan from December 20 to January 2 was the celebration of the centennial of the Society’s return to the Land of the Rising Sun (1908-2008). The trip also offered Fr. Nicolás the opportunity to meet the Jesuits of the Province of Japan and to see many long-time friends. Fr. José M. de Vera, who accompanied Fr. General on his trip, gave some of his insights.

Fr General’s intervention to the XII Synod of Bishops

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Father Adolfo Nicolás was appointed by the Holy Father to be a member of the XII Synod of Bishops on The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church. The members of the Synod may address the assembly directly or submit their interventions in writing. Father Nicolás’ written intervention was published in the Official Bulletin of the Synod, on October 15. The text, original in English, follows.

In these days of the Synod we have heard a good number of those aspects that make the Holy Scriptures such a precious gift from God.

Fr Danny Huang’s new appointment

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Fr Daniel Huang, Philippine Provincial, was appointed as one of General Counselors of Father General, and Regional Assistant for East Asia and Oceania. Fr. General gave him up to about a year to prepare for this new assignment. After the General Congregation, Fr Huang will go home, to tie up loose ends, but mostly, to set in motion the search process for a new Provincial. During this period, he may attend some meetings in Rome.

OUR NEW GENERAL: Adolfo Nicolas, S.J.

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The day after the election of Fr. Adolfo Nicolas as Superior General of the Society of Jesus, many of us here in Rome find ourselves deeply grateful for the guidance of the Spirit. We believe in faith that it was the Spirit who led us to choose Fr. Nico–as we fondly call him in our part of the world–as the 29th successor to St. Ignatius. This past week, the newspapers in Italy had come out with lists of possible generabili. It is surely significant that Fr. Nicolas was never mentioned!