Society of Jesus calls for ceasefire and dialogue amidst Gaza devastation

The Society of Jesus condemns the ongoing violence in Gaza and surrounding territories in Israel/Palestine. Standing in solidarity with numerous Catholics, Christians, people of diverse faiths, and non-believers, we reiterate our commitment “not to remain silent”. A statement issued by … Continued

Spotlight on the new safeguarding programme

The new PCCP training and formation programme was the central agenda of the inaugural in-person meeting of the safeguarding delegates across all Jesuit conferences. Tasked with supporting the mission of the Promotion of a Consistent Culture of Protection (PCCP), the … Continued

Society of Jesus launches comprehensive safeguarding training programme

In a significant development towards fostering a secure environment within the global Jesuit community, the Society of Jesus has announced the launch of a comprehensive formation and training programme aimed at safeguarding minors and vulnerable persons. The initiative, known as … Continued

Father General to visit Australia and Timor-Leste on his fourth official trip to JCAP

Fr General Arturo Sosa is making his fourth official visit to the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) in the coming weeks. The Jesuit Superior General will be visiting the Australian Province from 21 January to 2 February and the … Continued

Free online course: “Toward a Constitutively Synodal Church”

The Union of Superiors General has announced the Third Intercontinental Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the theme “Toward a Constitutively Synodal Church”. All videos will be facilitated virtually and will be offered at no cost to participants worldwide. Utilising … Continued

New book provides step-by-step guide to pastoral planning in a synodal way

The Office of Discernment and Apostolic Planning of the Society of Jesus has published a new book on pastoral planning authored by Dr Christina Kheng, a Singaporean laywoman and planning consultant of the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific. Titled “Welcoming … Continued

A first for the Society’s conference socii

The meeting of the socii of the six Jesuit conferences took place from 13 to 17 November at the Jesuit General Curia in Rome. It marked a historic occasion, as it was the very first to be held since the … Continued