An opportunity for scholastics to learn about Islam

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Young Jesuits are being invited to participate in a one-month programme designed to help them understand the lived reality of Islam in our world.  The Asia Pacific Theological Encounter Programme (APTEP) was developed by the Jesuits in Indonesia to help the Society of Jesus respond to the challenges of the Church in the area of interreligious dialogue, especially in Asia.  It will be held from April 20 to May 20, 2015 in Indonesia, which is home to the world’s largest Muslim population. 

Superiors should be guided by a shared spirituality of leadership

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What is the mission of a local superior?  Superiors and potential superiors from 11 of the provinces, regions and missions in our Jesuit Conference found themselves exploring and reflecting on this question during a recent workshop held in Seoul, Korea.  The 36 Jesuits were participants in a Workshop for Local Superiors organised by the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific from October 4 to 10.

Spirituality and Formation

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The recent Formation for Formators programme module turned out to be a time of grace for the participants. Fittingly the theme for this second module was “Spirituality and Formation”.

Module II of the JCAP Formation for Formators programme began with an overview of the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific to give context to the significance and importance of ensuring that the quality of Jesuit formation remains high.

Found worthy to serve

On August 23, 2014, family, relatives, friends, and Jesuits gathered at the Ateneo de Manila University’s Church of the Gesu to celebrate the diaconal ordination of nine Jesuits, one from the Vietnamese Province (Joseph Pham Din Cu), five from the Korean Province (Seokbae Andrew An, Hyungsik Francis Jo, Do-hyun Paul Kim, Min Kim, Jaesang Jason Bonaventura Lee), and five from the Philippine Province (Ambrosio Faustino Flores, Alvin Dagooc Laput, Mark Peter Ledesma Lopez, Arnel Te Ong, Henry Cogal Ponce).

Nine new Jesuit priests in Vietnam

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The Society of Jesus in Vietnam celebrates nine new Jesuit priests. Fathers Joseph Mary Cao Gia An SJ, Dominic Vũ Duy Cường SJ, Francis Joseph Nguyễn Mai Kha SJ, Martin Nguyễn Đình Khải SJ, Peter Nguyễn Đình Khánh SJ, Joseph Bùi Quang Minh SJ, Michel Bùi Hà Ngân SJ, Joseph Vũ Uyên Thi SJ, and Thomas Vũ Ngọc Tín SJ were ordained to the priesthood on August 21, 2014.

The purpose of Jesuit studies is apostolic

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Solid formation of Jesuits is critical for the Society of Jesus to effectively carry out of its mission. It was with this uppermost in mind that 20 Jesuits came together in the annual JCAP Formators’ Circle meeting held in Singapore from June 27 to 30. The Jesuits were mainly Formation Delegates of the provinces, regions and missions within the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific as well as rectors of colleges and other key personnel in the area of formation.

Five new Jesuit priests in Korea

The Society of Jesus in Korea celebrates five new Jesuit priests.  Fathers Andrew Sung-gyoon Lee, Simon Mon-hoi Kim, Benedict On-dohk Kang, Thomas Min Han and Igwan Su-yun Park were ordained to the priesthood on July 2 at Myeong-dong Cathedral in Seoul, South Korea. More than 1,500 people participated in the ordination mass concelebrated by Most Rev Peter Chung Soon-taek OCD, Auxiliary Bishop of Seoul, and 80 priests. 

The Society of Jesus welcomes second Cambodian Jesuit

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On May 31, a Cambodian national, Chour Damo, 29, pronounced his perpetual vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in the Society of Jesus, which signify his formal entrance into the order. He is only the second Cambodian to become a Jesuit, after Ham Toeun, who is presently doing his regency in Svay Sisophon, Cambodia.  Damo made his vows at the Sacred Heart Novitiate in the Philippines, and is now a Jesuit scholastic.