On our mission and new initiatives

Happy Feast of the Ascension of our Lord!

In today’s Gospel from Matthew, our Lord sends his disciples to the ends of the earth with a mission of love and service. Within their lifetime those disciples, despite their simple backgrounds, had overcome all obstacles to tell their story and to share their dramatic message of conversion with peoples at the very edges of the known world. What courage and initiative they showed, strengthened by his parting words – “know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time”.

A new Jesuit priest in Thailand

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The Society of Jesus has a new Thai Jesuit priest. Francis Xavier Manasan Wongvarn (Yoht) SJ was ordained to the priesthood on May 24, 2014 by Bishop Silvio Siripong Charatsri DD of Chanthaburi at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Bang Saen, Chonburi province.

The church, which is a Jesuit parish and has around 150 parishioners, was filled to overflowing by the 800 family, friends, fellow Jesuits, priests and Religious who gathered to witness the momentous occasion.  

Learning about liturgical music

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Ten Jesuits recently spent 10 days learning about liturgical music, actually composing pieces as an assignment.  They learnt about about the principles of liturgical music and musical composition, teaching music and conducting choirs.  They were asked to write songs for liturgical use, which were performed in a recital and used at the Mass at the conclusion of the workshop.

Turning adversity into strength in the service of God

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Dong Jun Kim sees his pursuit of a vocation in the Society of Jesus as a miracle, and his disability acquired in childhood as a gift from God.

The 32-year-old has been deaf since childhood, but he has not allowed that obstacle to stop him from a life of service and devotion, nor to dampen his desire to become the first deaf Jesuit priest in Korea and only the second in Asia. But his path has not been easy.

About China and the China mission

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The Chinese Province is offering a 10-day introduction to China for Jesuits interested in learning about the country and the Society’s mission there. 

China is one of the apostolic preferences of the Society of Jesus, and the Jesuit Chinese Provincial Fr John Lee SJ said that the aim of China Contact Programme is to provide young Jesuit priests and scholastics with “a better knowledge and first-hand experience of China” as well as “form better and solid young Jesuits for foreign mission in our Society today, especially for the China mission”.

Forming Myanmar Jesuits for the priesthood

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William Paul knows well the challenges that come with preparing Myanmar men for the priesthood: the young man from Western Bago Division was just 21 when joined the Jesuits in 2005, and saw first hand the impact of the country’s authoritarian military dictatorship on his fellow novices.

“Here we have a fear, because of living under the military, a kind of fear to open up oneself to the other person, especially those who have authority,” he says.

Exclusive interview with Pope Francis

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Jesuit journals around the world have published an exclusive interview with Pope Francis.  The interview was conducted by Fr Antonio Spadaro SJ, editor in chief of La Civiltà Cattolica, the Italian Jesuit journal, over the course of three meetings held in August 2013 in Rome.  His questions were consolidated from those sent by several major Jesuit journals including La Civiltà Cattolica, Thinking Faith and America.