EATEP on its 5th Program

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The fifth East Asia Theological Encounter Program (EATEP) will be held at  The Seven Fountains Spirituality Center in Chiangmai, Thailand, on April 16 – May 19, 2010. Scholastics  in theology should ask their rectors and/or  provincials for permission to attend. Rectors and formation directors should decide who might profit from this program. For further information  see the website

Tertians on Christmas Ministries

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On December 7, Fr Roger Champoux (PHI), Director of EAO International Tertianship wrote, “The Tertians are on their way for their second experiment – the Christmas Ministries. We finished the long retreat one week ago and all seemed very happy with this most important experience of the Tertianship. We were in our Jesuit Novitiate of Novaliches, together with a group of other retreatants (Jesuit novices, seminarians, priests and

Asia Pacific SJs in London

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On Friday, 25 September, British Provincial Fr Michael Holman hosted Mass and dinner at the Provincial Curia on Farm Street to welcome the Jesuits who have recently arrived in London for studies (around 30 Jesuits from all over the world!).    Those who belong to the (soon to be) renamed Asia Pacific Conference (plus one!), residing in different communities in London but more or less previously acquainted because of Conference activities, celebrated their friendship with this photograph.  

Ordinations in Taipei and in Manila

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On September 12, Filipino scholastics Cristopher Fajardo, Joseph Haw Jr., Gilbert Emmanuel Levosada, Marlito Ocon, Alberto Paurom, Roy Cenon Ragas, and Karel San Juan were ordained deacons at the Church of the Gesu, Ateneo de Manila. The ordaining Prelate was Most Reverend Francisco Claver, S.J., D.D., Emeritus Apostolic Vicar of Bontoc-Lagawe.  

Brothers’ take on GC35

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Twenty-nine Jesuit Brothers gathered in Yogyakarta, Indonesia last 15 – 21 July. Sixteen of them came from provinces outside Indonesia.

They shared common experiences regarding vocation promotion, formation, and identity. For their reflection points on the theme Our identity and mission in the light of GC35, they were guided by Fr Paul Wiryono Priyatamtama (IDO), Bro James Boynton (DET), Fr Danny Huang (PHI), and Fr Joe Daoust (DET).

A visit to Myanmarese and Thai Scholastics in Yogya

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During the JCEAO meeting in Yogyakarta, and the 150th Anniversary of the Indonesian Province,Fr Paul Pollock, Superior of Thailand and Myanmar had several great visits with the scholastics. They are doing very very well, and Fr Paul was impressed how much of their Bahasa he could understand. In August they will all go to Jakarta, and then the new academic year there will begin.(Contributor: Fr Paul Pollock)

Arrupe International Residence News August 2009

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After the excitement of Fr. General’s visit and the festivities in conjunction with the Feast of St Ignatius, August seemed a quieter month. The sad demise of Mrs Corazon Aquino on August 1 brought an end to a chapter in the history of the Philippines. Her funeral on August 5 saw a number of Arrupeans taking part in the day’s event, having been given the honour, together with scholastics of the Philippine Province, to be marshals at the Manila Memorial Park in Paranãque City, where Mrs Aquino was laid to rest in the family mausoleum, next to Ninoy Aquino. It was raining for most of the week, a poignant reflection of the people’s sentiments at the passing of a heroine of our times.

Personnel updates and movement

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Fr Matthias Chae Joonho (KOR) arrived last June 30 in Manila to start with his new mission as the Formation Delegate of JCEAO. Fr Tom Steinbugler and Ms Lucy Dimalanta welcomed him at the airport and treated him to lunch before bringing him to the Arrupe International Residence.