First JCEAO Arrupe Board Meeting

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In the January 2007 meeting of the Major Superiors, it was decided to create a governing body for Arrupe International Residence (AIR). The group, made up of Frs Adolfo Nicolás, John Mace, Daniel Huang, Louis Gendron, Paul Pollock, and Koichi Matsumoto met last July 18 at the JCEAO office. The main purpose of the meeting was to produce a meaningful and fluid modus operandi for the body.

Fr Martin now a Carthusian novice

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Fr Martin Suhartono (IDO) has taken the Carthusian habit as novice. He got special permission to send the e-mail on his novice director’s computer, and even attached two photos, which should bring joy to all our hearts. He writes that he is very happy, and his smile in the pictures surely confirms it. His new name is now Dom Ambrose Mary He left Indonesia on December 7, feast of St. Ambrose, and entered Parkminster on December 8, solemnity of Mary’s Immaculate Conception. Let us continue to pray for Dom Ambrose Mary!

EAO Tertians for 2007-2008

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From September 2007 until March 2008, Fr Roger Champoux (PHI), with the help of Fr William McGarry (MIC), will take charge of ten of our brothers as they go through Tertianship. The new batch of tertians are Frs Raymond P. Guiao (DET), Benedicto M.

Active vocations in Indonesia

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Eleven second-year novices pronounced their first vows at St. Stanislaus Novitiate, Girisonta, Central Java, on June 24. Together with three former juniors from Arrupe International Residence, Manila, they will start their philosophy formation at Driyarkara School of Philosophy, Jakarta, beginning in the new academic year in September 2007.

Indonesian regents to different missions

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The Indonesian Province happily sends 15 new regents this year to various apostolates. Five of them are missioned to Cambodia, Micronesia, Pakistan and Thailand. The others will spend their regency in university (Yogyakarta), student ministry (Jakarta), technical training center (Jakarta), high schools (Jakarta, Mertoyudan/Central Java and Nabire/West Papua), vocational school (Semarang), minor seminaries (Jakarta and Mertoyudan), and parishes (Tarutung/North Sumatra and Yogyakarta).

Final Vows in Thailand

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The celebration last May 27 for Fr Sugiyo Pitoyo’s final vows went very well, and gave much consolation and happiness to all present. Almost all of the Jesuits residing in Thailand were able to attend; several priests from the Major Seminary came; and the church at Xavier Hall was full. There was an enjoyable dinner for the Jesuit community & close friends afterwards.

Korea sends Fr Spalatin to AIR

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Fr Christopher Spalatin (KOR) joined the staff of Arrupe International Residence last May 28. He will be one of the spiritual fathers of the scholastics. We are very grateful to the Korean Province for their generosity in allowing Fr Spalatin to help in the formation of our brothers.