Arrupe Residence welcomes new Rector

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The residents of Arrupe House prepared a warm reception for Fr Koichi Matsumoto as he arrived May 1, with a simple turnover ceremony lead by Fr Momose. We thank Fr Momose for his willingness to run the house at the time when the Assistancy was looking for its Rector. And we pray for Fr Matsumoto, and the staff of Arrupe, who will need all the help in taking care of about sixty scholastics.

Pham brothers take Final Vows

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Fr Pham Minh-Uoc (ASL), JCEAO Socius and Vice Superior of Theologians in Arrupe International Residence, and Fr Pham Van Ai (ASL), Vice Superior of Juniors in Arrupe, will take their final vows on April 21, to be received by Fr Mark Raper, at the 4:30pm Eucharist in the Chapel of the Holy Name, St Ignatius’ College, Athelstone, Australia.

International Tertianship comes to a close

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It seems we just started a few days ago, and it is already time to think of departure. After the Christmas Ministries spent in the Mountain Province and in the coastal towns of Isabela Province, the Tertians spent the whole month of January for the Study of the Institute—difficult and challenging but rewarding work that confronts us both with the ideals set forth for us by Ignatius and with the realities of today’s world.

January-February 2007 Arrupe News

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On January 06-07, the staff of the Arrupe International Residence met with Fr. Adolfo Nicolas (JPN), JCEAO President, at the Jansens Spirituality Center on the planning for the future of Arrupe International Residence.

SBC New Coordinator

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On March 05, Sch. Roy Cenon Ragas (PHI) was appointed Coordinator of the Scholastics and Brothers-in-Formation Circle for the coming year. We are grateful to Sch. Alvin Ng Sze Syn (MAS) for successfully leading the group last year. And our thanks and prayers for Sch. Ragas for his availability in accepting this new responsibility.

December 2006- January 2007 Arrupe News

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The past holiday season was celebrated by the Arrupe community in several ways. For some, the Christmas season was a time for rest, while for others it was a busy season for many different reasons.

Before the Christmas break, some of our Philosopher brothers had to write a synthesis paper, in an attempt to answer in their own terms the question, “What is Philosophy?” While some of our brothers had to write several papers during the Christmas break as assignments.

Scholastics immersed with migrants in Melaka

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On December 22 to January 3, the 10th Scholastics and Brothers-in-formation Circle (SBC) Meeting was held at the Good Shepherd Catholic Seminary in Melaka, Malaysia. The theme of the meeting was “Migration, Urbanization: Our Vision, Passion, and Compassion in the Jubilee Year of the First Companions”.

October-November 2006 Arrupe News

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On October 21, Fr Jim Meehan (PHI), departed for Chiang Mai, Thailand to attend a four-day meeting of the Asian Liturgy Forum. This forum brings together representatives of various local churches to discuss the progress of liturgical renewal throughout Southeast Asia. About fifty persons attended the meeting, including delegates from Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Cambodia, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Thailand. After the meeting, Fr. Jim made his eight-day Annual Retreat at Seven Fountains, the Jesuit Retreat House in Chiang Mai.

Life to the Full: A New Release

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The Jesuit Youth Commission of the Chinese Province is very happy to announce that the well-crafted documentary Life to the Full: The Jesuits of East Asia and Oceania, a production of JESCOM Foundation and Jesuit Conference Of East Asia and Oceania, is finally released in Chinese subtitles!

The content describes the apostolic works of the Jesuits of East Asia and Oceania. The program includes the following segments: