Local Superiors Workshop

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The two-week local superiors’ workshop at the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI), Manila conducted by JCEAO ended last May 6, 2006. It closed with a Eucharistic celebration presided by Fr Nicolás. There were 23 participants from 11 different nationalities, all Jesuits working in the East Asia and Oceania region.

First Vows in Myanmar

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The First Vows held last Sunday, May 7 at the Infant Jesus Chapel, Payaphyu, Taunggyi was an occasion that was simple, yet full of fun and great joy. Fr Paul Pollock was there. And so were Fr Peter Kim and Sch Valerio Rereh. Many family members and friends showed up. After the ceremony, they all shared a picnic-type of refreshment under the green trees, which are now plentiful. On behalf of our brothers in Myanmar, Fr Ignatius Wardi Saputra thanked everyone for your prayers.

East Asian Theological Encounter Program 2006

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The East Asian Theological Encounter Program is a first in South East Asia that provides an environment for Jesuit Scholastics to get together, to live and do theology together, and to contextualize the encounter in an Asian context with its varied realities, focusing in one form of Buddhism (Thai Buddhism). This is done more on the practical level of dialoguing, discussing, exchanging and deepening views than on the theoretical level of gathering information.

E-News February-March 2006

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Three new cardinals present faces of Catholic Church in Asia

On Feb. 22, Pope Benedict XVI appointed Archbishop Nicholas Cheong Jin-suk of Seoul, Archbishop Gaudencio Rosales of Manila and Bishop Joseph Zen Ze-kiun of Hong Kong among the 15 new members he plans to induct into the College of Cardinals in Vatican City on Mar. 24 during his first consistory.

Ordination of Vinai Boonlue

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Vinai Boonlue was ordained by Bishop of Chiangmai, Joseph Sangval, at the Sacred Heart Cathedral of Chiangmai on the 19th of November 2005. The date was chosen because it was Saturday after the 17th of November 2005, the date that marked the 51st Anniversary of the second mission of the Jesuits in Thailand. A Regional Triduum preceded the ordination to end the Region’s Golden Anniversary and to prepare for the Jubilee of St. Ignatius, St. Francis Xavier, and Blessed Peter Favre.

Ordination: Deacons and Priest

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In the Oratory of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Loyola House of Studies, Manila, five deacons and one priest were ordained by His Excellency Honest F. Ongtioco, DD, in September 10, 2005 From the five new deacons, two are from Arrupe International Residence. They are Sivarajah Ahilaraj, SJ and Milroy R. Fernando, SJ from Sri Lanka. The other three new deacons are Joseph Lester C. Maramara, SJ, Angelo A. Silerio, SJ, Joaquin Jose Mari C. Sumpaico III, SJ all from the Philippines province. The priest is Rogel Anecito L. Abais, SJ. As a new tradition, at the end of the celebration, Fr.