Set aflame by Magis

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Go, set the world on fire! On January 3, 70 young people, set out to do just that in their home countries – Cambodia, Korea, Myanmar, Macau, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Indonesia – after nine days spent in the first Magis JCAP, held at Omah Petroek in Kaliurang Yogyakarta. 

60 years of Jesuit life and service in Korea

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As they mark the 60th anniversary of the Society of Jesus in Korea this year, the Jesuits in Korea have been reviewing and reflecting on the past and the present, and will soon be discussing the future they see for their Province.

The celebratory activities began with a mass of gratitude at the Jesuit Apostolic Center in Seoul on July 31, the Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola. Then, on every first Wednesday from September to December, they held seminars to reflect on Ignatian spirituality, the Constitutions, and the Spiritual Exercises.

A first conjoint Arrupe Month for the “chopsticks” Jesuit Provinces

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To foster collaboration at various levels between the Chinese, Japanese and Korean Jesuit Provinces, the three provincials have decided to set up an annual conjoint summer Arrupe Month. The first conjoint Arrupe Month was held from July 16 to August 8, 2015 at the newly built Franciscan spirituality centre in the small and quiet historical township of Daxi in Taiwan, 30 km south of Taipei.

Ten new Jesuit priests in Korea

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The Korea Jesuit Province celebrated the ordination of 10 new priests on July 1. More than 2,000 people participated in the ordination mass concelebrated by Most Rev Gyoung-chon Timothy Yu, Auxiliary Bishop of Seoul, and 160 priests, at Myung-dong Cathedral in Seoul, South Korea. During his homily, Bishop Yu reminded the newly ordained Jesuits of the Jesuit charism to be contemplatives in action that makes Jesuit priesthood possible. 

Statement on Laudato si’

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We, the major superiors of the Jesuit Conference Asia Pacific, sincerely and enthusiastically welcome Pope Francis’ new encyclical Laudato si’ (On the Care of Our Common Home). He draws attention to the urgent need for reconciliation with creation, already one of our apostolic priorities in Asia Pacific. We urge all the members of our Conference, our colleagues, and all those we seek to serve to make a thoughtful and generous response to the Holy Father’s plea.

Building a better migration network

posted in: Migration, Social Justice | 0

Visitors to Taiwan are greeted at the Taipei airport by signs welcoming migrant workers to the island country. The authorities provide a lot of information to migrant workers, on their rights as well as precaution measures in place, upon their arrival to the country, even before they meet their agencies or employers. In a country with 23 million people, the presence of more than half a million migrant workers is no small figure.

It was in this setting and context that this year’s Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific Migration Network meeting was held from April 21 to 23.