
Protecting our common home
Creation is a precious gift given to us at the beginning of time. Yet, we do cruel acts that destroy it. Ever since I was...read more

Preserving our oceans
This summer, Yap Catholic High School offered its seniors the opportunity to participate in the Marine Island Ecology Course (MIEC), where we learned about marine...read more

Changing the tide
Laudato sí is a Latin phrase that helps us understand what it means to love and care for our planet. As the years go by,...read more

Greetings and Farewells: Updates from the Jesuits in Micronesia
The Jesuits of Micronesia and Fiji warmly welcome Indonesian Scholastic Tomas Becket (TB) Pramudita Praba SJ for Regency at Xavier High School in Chuuk. The...read more

A century of Jesuit mission in Micronesia
This month marks 100 years since the arrival of Jesuit missionaries in Micronesia, when on 6 March 1921, two Jesuits — Fr José Pájaro and...read more

New book publishes letters of 17th century Jesuit missionaries of the Mariana Islands
Boston College’s Jesuit Sources has published a new book, Scars of Faith: Jesuit Letters from the Mariana Islands (1668-1684), that offers a collection of primary...read more

Little big things in Chuuk: Earth Week in February
There are things happening in small and distant places around the world that speak out for a more sustainable world. They go unheard in a...read more