Companions in a mission of justice and reconciliation


Micronesia (MIC)

19 October 2024

Be with the people and serve them through the sacred ministry

The Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) and the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States have been blessed with 11 new deacons: more

04 October 2024

Protecting our common home

Creation is a precious gift given to us at the beginning of time. Yet, we do cruel acts that destroy it. Ever since I more

15 September 2024
Beyond JCAP

Preserving our oceans

This summer, Yap Catholic High School offered its seniors the opportunity to participate in the Marine Island Ecology Course (MIEC), where we learned about more

09 September 2024
Beyond JCAP

Changing the tide

Laudato sí is a Latin phrase that helps us understand what it means to love and care for our planet. As the years go by, more

24 April 2024

Strengthening our education apostolate

Education delegates from across our Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) gathered in Bali, Indonesia, from 10 to 13 April to foster collaboration and more

13 June 2022

Greetings and Farewells: Updates from the Jesuits in Micronesia

The Jesuits of Micronesia and Fiji warmly welcome Indonesian Scholastic Tomas Becket (TB) Pramudita Praba SJ for Regency at Xavier High School in Chuuk. more

12 March 2021

A century of Jesuit mission in Micronesia

This month marks 100 years since the arrival of Jesuit missionaries in Micronesia, when on 6 March 1921, two Jesuits — Fr José Pájaro more

14 April 2020
Beyond JCAP

Remembering Jesuit Fr John S Hagileiram

Fr John H, as he was known, was born on Eauripik Island in the Micronesian state of Yap, the son of Thomas Hiemal and more

06 December 2019

JCAP declares solidarity with Jesuits, mission companions and the people of Hong Kong

To our brother Jesuits and Companions in mission in Hong Kong: We, the Major Superiors of the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific, are concerned more

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