Fr General Sosa thanks Australians for giving their hearts to the marginalised

On 24 January, Jesuit Mission Australia welcomed Jesuit Father General Arturo Sosa, his companions from Rome, and the Major Superiors from the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific to share an intimate evening of gratitude and friendship with some of Jesuit … Continued

Fifteen Vietnamese Jesuits ordained to the priesthood

On 2 December, 15 Vietnamese Jesuit deacons responded to God’s invitation and embraced the call to be Jesus’ companions in the priestly vocation, following in the example of St Ignatius and his first companions. The new priests are Fr Joseph … Continued

Growing in our life-mission as Friends in the Lord and Companions of Jesus

I had the privilege of being one of the 13 members who attended the colloquium for new major superiors held from 29 October to 11 November at the General Curia in Rome. The participants included three superiors from the Latin … Continued

Concretizing care for creation: Insights from the Laudate Deum online forum

What is the message and call of Laudate Deum for our context in Asia Pacific today? This was the question that guided the online panel discussion on 8 November hosted by the Reconciliation with Creation network in collaboration with Jesuit … Continued

What is the message and call of Laudate Deum for our context in Asia Pacific today?

On 4 October, the Vatican released the new apostolic exhortation Laudate Deum. The document is a new edition of Pope Francis’ Laudato si’, which was published seven years ago. “Laudate Deum,” Latin for “Praise God,” focuses on the critical truths … Continued

Service through words and deeds

“Today is a great day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad,” declared Bishop Honesto F Ongtioco of Cubao as he began his homily on that special Saturday morning of 14 October. Indeed, it was a great … Continued

JCAP flagship project marks Season of Creation with webinar on energy, youth, and empowering local communities

The JCAP flagship project, Caring for Communities and Creation (CCC), commemorated this year’s Season of Creation with a webinar on 14 September, led by the JCAP Reconciliation with Creation (RwC) network. The webinar centred around three themes, mirroring the focal … Continued

MAGIS 2023 opens in Lisbon

The long-awaited MAGIS 2023 officially opened on 22 July with an enthusiastic welcome for the nearly 2,000 young pilgrims from more than 80 countries, including 225 pilgrims from Asia Pacific. During the welcome ceremony held at the Colégio de São … Continued