Rebuilding Nepal from the rubble

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Reconstruction efforts are gathering pace in Nepal more than a year after the 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit the country on April 25, 2015, causing massive destruction of infrastructure and killing more than 9,000 people. The Nepal Jesuit Social Institute (NJSI) has been actively involved in relief and rehabilitation work and is now concentrating its efforts on supporting the building and rebuilding of schools, hostels, houses and women’s shelters in different districts.

Nepal earthquake a year later

Since the earthquake that devastated Nepal on April 25, 2015, the Nepal Jesuit Social Institute (NJSI) has been actively working in the 11 most affected districts.

With the Emergency Phase of work fully completed, the institute moved into rehabilitation activities and to date has erected semi-permanent structures for 15 schools. It has assisted 89 schools unreached by government assistance with student and office furniture, white boards, educational material and recreational material.

Stoic determination after a historic disaster

Relief work continues three months after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit Nepal on April 25. The disaster killed thousands and demolished more than half a million homes. A few weeks later, on May 12, a second major earthquake struck just as people were beginning to recover. The death toll from the two quakes stands at close to 9,000 people. 

Committing to the rebuilding of Nepal

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It has been a month since Nepal suffered the deadliest disaster in its history. A 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit the Himalayan country on April 25, killing thousands and demolishing more than half a million homes, most of them in rural areas. A second major quake struck on May 12, just as the people were beginning to recover from the previous quake. According to the home ministry, the death toll from the two quakes stands at more than 8,500.

Praying for Nepal and Micronesia

Dear friends,

These last weeks, we have seen and heard yet again of the destruction and devastation caused by natural disasters. Typhoon Maysak at the end of March caused severe damage throughout Micronesia, displacing thousands, ruining livelihoods and food supplies, and damaging infrastructure. And just days ago, on April 25, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake has caused widespread destruction in Nepal.