Sharing our Graces to the Youth: CLC Philippines Joins the Taizé Pilgrimage of Trust Manila Meeting

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From February 3 to 7, Tinnah, Amity, and I joined around 3,500 young people in the Manila Meeting of the Taizé Pilgrimage of Trust on Earth. Young people from all over Asia and other continents attended, to pray and share about their faith and life experiences with others. It was really an experience—praying for an hour or even more three times a day, being in silence with thousands of people, conversing with different people about one God, and listening to the reflections of the Taizé Brothers.

Fr Walpole on Environmental Sustainability

posted in: Reconciliation with Creation | 0

An environmental scientist with experience in disaster mitigation, Fr Pedro Walpole (PHI) talks about founding Environmental Sustainability for Social Change, a group using scientific data on the environment to advocate for changes aimed at making poor communities less susceptible to natural disaster. He also talks about his experiences working in an area wracked by conflict. The two-part video was recorded at the Jesuit Social Services All Staff Day, 12 December 2009. View Part 1.

Juniors’ Social Forum

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Fr Primativo Viray (PHI) invited Fr Pedro Walpole (PHI) to the Juniors’ Social Forum. The day’s discussions with scholastics raised significant questions about poverty and how those who are bound to the land are poor, since they receive no benefit from society for the quality of ecological services drawn from their areas yet destroyed by others. It also drew people to consider how they might better seek experiences in reading the signs of the times in what they want to do and analyze what could be just and effective action.


Climate Conversations in Mindanao

posted in: Education, Social Justice | 0

“Conversations 2009” in Davao amongst the universities and apostolates brought a clear focus to what Jesuit institutions can do, even though they may not seem to be the experts. Clearly it is everyone’s concern and interest to adapt in the face of climate change. Davao, already expecting to have a dryer climate in the future, is sure to draw up numerous responses.

Ordinations in Taipei and in Manila

posted in: Formation, Province News | 0

On September 12, Filipino scholastics Cristopher Fajardo, Joseph Haw Jr., Gilbert Emmanuel Levosada, Marlito Ocon, Alberto Paurom, Roy Cenon Ragas, and Karel San Juan were ordained deacons at the Church of the Gesu, Ateneo de Manila. The ordaining Prelate was Most Reverend Francisco Claver, S.J., D.D., Emeritus Apostolic Vicar of Bontoc-Lagawe.  

Manila to Copenhagen, via Myanmar and Louisiana

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Flooding in Manila is not a surprise and the extent of it should not be surprising either if we pay any attention to what we are hearing about climate change every day. The problem is we don’t know where it will hit exactly and how and when. Though there is much local adaptation, many people still get caught unfortunately in deadly circumstances. We do not adequately know our landscape and susceptibility to flooding and we are not adequately relocating peoples’ lives and livelihoods. People in Manila might be led to believe this is the worst, but we are far from it.

Father General’s trip to the Philippines and Indonesia

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From 11 – 14 July Father General will visit the Philippine Province to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the return of the Jesuits to the country (see further on) and the founding of what is today the Ateneo de Manila University. In 1768, the Jesuits of the Philippine Province, 154 in all, were expelled by order of King Charles III of Spain. They returned almost a hundred years later, in 1859, with the intention of evangelizing the southern island of Mindanao. Besides undertaking this pioneering missionary work, in December of the same year they assumed responsibility for the Escuela Pia, later renamed Ateneo Municipal. The present day Ateneo de Manila University has a student population of over 18.000. The Sesquicentennial Anniversary Eucharistic celebration will be held on July 12; Father General will be the principal celebrant. About 4.000 people, including 200 Jesuits, are expected to participate. The next day Father Nicolás will deliver the keynote address on: "Issues and challenges in Jesuit education today" before a group of Jesuits and their lay collaborators from the five universities, one college and other schools of the Philippine Province.