An anthology on Muslim-Christian dialogue

The Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific, in collaboration with the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI), has published a collection of essays exploring Muslim-Christian relations, with a focus on the lived experiences and theological exchanges in Indonesia and beyond. Titled “Toward … Continued

Pope Francis to the Jesuits in Timor-Leste: “Do not turn away from the people who are the most precious asset”

Pope Francis’ visit to Timor-Leste couldn’t have come at a more momentous time for the Jesuits, who this year are celebrating the 125th anniversary of the first Jesuit mission in the country. The Pope’s visit offered an opportunity for reflection … Continued

Pope Francis in Indonesia, Timor-Leste, and Singapore

The Holy Father is currently in Asia, visiting four countries, three of which are in our Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific. Noteworthy in this trip is the religious diversity among these countries: Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country; Timor-Leste, … Continued

Hopes and insights from the Holy Father’s upcoming trip to Asia Pacific

Pope Francis is making his 45th apostolic journey from 2 to 13 September, visiting Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, and Singapore. This marks his return to Asia since 2019, when he visited Thailand and Japan. The upcoming 12-day trip will … Continued

“Be able to discriminate between true love and false love and always pick true love,” Pope Francis tells Asia Pacific students

Pope Francis engaged in a virtual dialogue with young university students from across Asia Pacific on 20 June, as part of the “Building Bridges” series organised by the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, the Institute for Pastoral Studies, and the … Continued

Can we hear the voices of the climate crisis?

It has been eight years since Pope Francis published Laudato sí, sharing his concerns about the care for our common home. His latest apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum (Praise God), released on 4 October 2023, the Feast Day of St Francis … Continued