A Boat Without Anchors

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Jesuit Refugee Service Cambodia has released a report on the legal status of ethnic Vietnamese minority populations in Cambodia under domestic and international laws governing nationality and statelessness.  Entitled “A Boat Without Anchors”, the report details the history of the Vietnamese in Cambodia and their legal situation.  It was released on January 17.

A message at Christmas

posted in: Migration, Social Justice | 0

… this by the tender mercy of our God
who from on high will bring the rising Sun to visit us,
to give light to those who live
in darkness and the shadow of death,
and to guide our feet
into the way of peace.
Luke 1: 78-79


Love is born in the most unlikely places.  A star gives hope to the most unlikely witnesses. Gifts are carried by the most unlikely guests.

Funding shortfall leads to education gaps

posted in: Education, Migration, Social Justice | 0

A funding pitfall in education for the Burmese refugees along the Thai border may negatively affect their preparedness to go home.

The focus of the international donor community is shifting from the camps towards Burma, and a lack of sufficient resources has forced many organisations working in the camps, such as Jesuit Refugee Service, to make cutbacks to critical programmes like schooling.

Building up the social sector

The social apostolate needs to be approached from the perspective of Ignatian Spirituality, which provides a new way of seeing all things.  Fr Patxi Alvarez SJ, Director of the Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat in Rome, made this point at the JCAP Social Apostolate meeting in August. 

Strengthening the migrant ministry network

posted in: JCAP News, Migration, Social Justice | 0

Jesuits and collaborators working with migrants and refugees in Asia Pacific gathered in Manila recently to share insights and ideas for co-operation among the migrant ministries within the Conference.

The two-day meeting organised by the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific was held on June 30 and July 1, in conjunction with a migration conference, “Migration, Religious Experience and Mission with Migrants in Asia”, organised by the Loyola School of Theology and the Scalabrini Migration Center.