JCAP Extended Consult Report

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Building a Conference team was the reason for gathering the apostolate coordinators together with the JCAP consultors and the JCAP core team for the annual “enlarged consult” in Manila last October.  20 participants examined the commitments each sector will make to Conference wide projects and priorities.  The group was not at risk of starving during these days, thanks to the care of Anne Noche of the Conference office.

JCAP Upcoming events November – December 2010

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Nov 14 Arrupe International Residence 20th Anniversary
Nov 15 – 17 Meeting of Theological Cooperation Working Group, Quezon City, Philippines
Dec 20 – 01 Jan 2011 Scholastics and Brothers-in-Formation Meeting, Yogyakarta,

JCAP Upcoming events October – December 2010

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Oct 21 – 23 JCAP Extended Consult, Quezon City, Philippines
Nov 14 Arrupe International Residence 20th Anniversary
Nov 15 – 17 Meeting of Theological Cooperation Working Group, Quezon City, Philippines

JCEAO Upcoming events March – April 2010

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Welcome Fr Benedict and Anne

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The new Socius for the Jesuit Conference of East Asia and Oceania arrived last November 11 in the person of Fr Benedict Jung Kang-yup (KOR), taking over Fr Pham Minh-Uoc (ASL). We thank Fr Minh-Uoc for his faithful service and wish him well as he continues his ministry at the EAPI. Fr Benedict is also the understudy of Fr Tom Steinbugler (PHI) in the area of finances.

Mar 22 – 23am International Theological Program Curriculum Committee Meeting, Manila
Mar 23pm – 24 Theological Cooperation Working Group Meeting, Manila
Mar 25 Study Group on Profile of a Jesuit, Manila

Personnel updates and movement

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In Manila

Fr Lester Maramara (PHI) joins the staff at Arrupe International Residence replacing Fr Manuel (PHI). Fr Pham Van Ai (ASL) turns over his responsibilities as Director of Juniorate to Fr Jeff Chang (MAR), who arrived last June 2. Fr Ai will leave on June 14, visiting Malaysia and Singapore before going teach theology in Vietnam. Also leaving Arrupe Residence is Fr Jim Meehan (PHI), but he continues to generously serve the Conference with his new assignment at the East Asian Pastoral Institute.

Dec 06 – 09 Jesuit Education Commission-EAO National Coordinators Meeting,  Hong Kong
Dec 17 – 30