JCEAO Office December 2008 schedule

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Beginning December 12, Fr Mark will be traveling to Myanmar, Thailand, Australia and Singapore. He will return to Manila on January 20, 2009.

Fr Minh-Uoc will be visiting Australia from December 5, 2008 to January 6, 2009.

On December 28, 2008–January 2, 2009, Fr Tom Steinbugler will be visiting friends in Davao City and in Cagayan de Oro City.

The JCEAO Office will be closed from December 24, 2008 to January 4, 2009.

Office Staff Movements

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On September 6, Fr Mark Raper transfers to Manila. He will reside at the East Asian Pastoral Institute while he serves his term as President of JCEAO. On September 12, he will travel to Rome to attend the meeting of conference presidents with Fr General. He will be back at the office on September 24.

Fr Tom Steinbugler returns from Australia on September 8, after attending the meeting of Province Treasurers in Sydney.

April visitors

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Fr Steve Curtin, the Mission Procurator in Australia, visited the JCEAO office last April 3 – 9. He wanted to expand his knowledge of the funding needs of the several Assistancy Missions, especially East Timor and Myanmar. He also visited the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI) and joined the participants in their Eucharist and dinner. Afterward, he had a cordial conversation with the Director, Fr Jeyarah Rasiah (SRI), to be informed of the EAPI’s activities.

How does it feel when the “worst” happens?

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If you want to know, come and talk to the JCEAO Team, what is left of it…

We used to tease Fr. Nico about his staying in Rome; perhaps it was our way of coping with the danger. It was also our way of saying how much we appreciated all that his presence contributed to our work and our lives.

Consultants discussed GC35 preparations

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Early May, the JCEAO consultants—Frs. Matthias Chae Joon-ho, Priyono Marwan, Philip Heng, Mario Francisco, and Pham Minh-Uoc—came together for a two-day consultation with Fr. Adolfo Nicolás at the JCEAO office. Most of the Agenda was about the preparation of the coming meeting of Major Superiors and of Major Superiors with the Electors for GC35 in July.

EAO Consult in May

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Fr Nico will meet with the EAO Consult on May 9–10 at the EAO Office in preparation for the meeting of the Major Superiors and of Major Superiors with the Electors for GC35 in July.

Staff whereabouts

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Fr Tom Stein went to the USA last April 11. He will attend the Treasurers/TAG Meeting on April 17–19 in Manresa Retreat House, Bloomfield Hills, MI. He takes this chance to visit his family and friends and will be back on May 24.

Fr Minh-Uoc arrived last April 25 after professing his final vows in Australia. He proceeds to his new residence at EAPI to take on the responsibilities as superior of EAPI Jesuit community.

Incoming Socius to JCEAO

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After spending two months in Nagasaki for the first part of his Tertianship Program, Fr. Pham Minh-Uoc SJ (ASL) flies to Manila for a brief visit at JCEAO office, from Oct 15 to Nov 3, 2005. He meets with the President Fr. Adolfo Nicolas SJ, the present Socius Fr. Riyo, and the staffs. In these three weeks he is guided through all the daily activities of the offfice so that he can become more familiar with his future responsibilies as Socius, which will start from January 2006.