First STB graduation at St Joseph Jesuit Scholasticate in Vietnam

On March 28, St Joseph Jesuit Scholasticate (SJJS) in Ho Chi Minh City celebrated its first Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology (STB) graduation after becoming affiliated with the Loyola School of Theology (LST), an ecclesiastical faculty of the Jesuits in the … Continued

New deacons urged to be solid, humble and living blocks of the Church

Nine Jesuits from three countries in the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) were ordained deacons on October 28, the feast of Saints Simon and Jude.  The new deacons who come from Korea, Vietnam and the Philippines were ordained by … Continued

Forming Ignatian leaders for mission

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Are leaders born or made? This question has long been debated by experts around the world.  Some claim that some people are natural leaders while others insist that becoming a leader is a process.  Whichever the case, it cannot be denied that there are no perfect leaders and that, whether you are a born leader or had to learn how to lead, there is always room to become better at leading.  This is the premise that grounds the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific’s Leadership Development Programme (LDP) launched in December 2015.

Charting a new course for the migration network

The word “discernment” has become all the rage within Jesuit circles following the 36th General Congregation. Fr General Arturo Sosa has even appointed a special counsellor to oversee the process of discernment and apostolic planning in the Society.  So it was fitting that the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific’s (JCAP) migration network examined the journey so far and charted a new course at its fourth annual meeting held in Tokyo from March 23 to 26.  A new plan for the future was called for.

A gift of joy from God

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Gratitude and joy for the love of God recently inspired two young Jesuits to write a song. Deacon Soo Young Theodore Park SJ from Korea and Scholastic Jun-G Bargayo SJ from the Philippines say the song Kutafuta Mungu (“Finding God” in Swahili) was a gift for them as 2017 began.

The inspiration to compose the song came the night after Soo Young’s diaconate ordination.

Final vows and diaconate ordination in Vietnam

The Vietnam Jesuit Province recently celebrated the profession of final vows of Br Vincent Phạm Đức Tuấn SJ and the ordination to the diaconate of four Jesuits.

Br Vincent pronounced his final vows on January 18 in the chapel of Saint Joseph Jesuit Scholasticate in Saigon, Vietnam. He entered the Society of Jesus on September 9, 1997 and will be celebrating his 20th year as a Jesuit this year. At the end of the ceremony, Br Vincent asked those present to pray for him. “Pray that God grant me a lot of love and grace to live my vocation as a Jesuit filled with happiness.”