The purpose of Jesuit studies is apostolic

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Solid formation of Jesuits is critical for the Society of Jesus to effectively carry out of its mission. It was with this uppermost in mind that 20 Jesuits came together in the annual JCAP Formators’ Circle meeting held in Singapore from June 27 to 30. The Jesuits were mainly Formation Delegates of the provinces, regions and missions within the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific as well as rectors of colleges and other key personnel in the area of formation.

Adaptation key to good communication

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Being able to adapt to new technologies and seize opportunities when they arise are the keys to a successful media organisation, delegates at the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) Social Communications meeting in Taiwan heard last month.

“Media comes from grabbing opportunities,” said Director of Kuangchi Program Service (KPS) Fr Jerry Martinson SJ, in his presentation to delegates on the first day of the meeting, which was hosted by KPS, the Jesuit production centre in Taiwan. 

Vietnamese scholastics prepare for ministry in media

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Having made communication one of the Province’s priority missions, the Jesuit Vietnam Province has been sending scholastics to media outlets across the world for the Regency stage of their formation, during which they work for two or more years in a ministry. Stephen Tran Thien Kinh SJ and Anthony Nguyen Van Loi SJ are two of these Vietnamese scholastics.  They were assigned to Union of Catholic Asian News (UCAN), the leading independent Catholic news source in Asia, where they hope to acquire skills in media that will prepare them for ministry in their Province.

Celebrating 400 years since the Jesuits first arrived in Vietnam

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The Society of Jesus in Vietnam has begun a year of celebrations leading up to the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the Jesuits in the country.  On January 18, 1615, the first Jesuits arrived at the port of Hoi An – Italian Jesuit Fr Francesco Buzomi and Portuguese Jesuits Fr Diogo Carvalho and Br Antonios Dias with some other 70 Jesuits expelled from Japan. They took refuge with the Japanese Catholic community taking asylum in Hoi An, after fleeing the furious persecutions of Christians in Japan.

Learning about liturgical music

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Ten Jesuits recently spent 10 days learning about liturgical music, actually composing pieces as an assignment.  They learnt about about the principles of liturgical music and musical composition, teaching music and conducting choirs.  They were asked to write songs for liturgical use, which were performed in a recital and used at the Mass at the conclusion of the workshop.

Three new Jesuit priests in Vietnam

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The Vietnamese Province of the Society of Jesus has three new priests.  Thomas Aquinas Tạ Trung Hải SJ, Joseph Chu Thái Hiệp SJ, and Anthony Nguyễn Thành Nguyên SJ were ordained to the priesthood on August 22, 2013.  His Eminence Michael Hoàng Đức Oanh, Bishop of Kon Tum Diocese, presided at the celebration in Thuduc during which five Jesuit scholastics were also ordained deacon.  The new deacons are Dominic Vũ Duy Cường SJ, Joseph Bùi Quang Minh SJ, Mathiah Nguyễn Kim Đoàn SJ, Michael Bùi Hà Ngân SJ, Thomas Vũ Ngọc Tín SJ.

First formators’ training held

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The Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific recently held its first Formation for Jesuit Formators seminar.  Held from August 5 to 16 in the Philippines, the seminar is the first of three modules that will be conducted in three consecutive years. The 22 formators who participated are current and future formation directors and staff of novitiates, scholasticates and seminaries in the Conference. They hail from nine provinces and regions – Indonesia, Korea, China, Australia, Myanmar, Timor-Leste, Malaysia-Singapore, Vietnam, and the Philippines.

A vital role for communication in Timor-Leste

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Communicators from across the Asia Pacific region had a first-hand look earlier this month at the vital role the Jesuit film production studio, Casa de Produção Audiovisual (CPA), is playing in telling the story of one of the world’s newest nations within the country.  Twice a week, CPA produces Tetum language programs that appear on prime time television in the country, each reflecting on East Timorese culture and history.

Collaboration is our salvation

In late June, Singapore suffered from the worst ever haze in its history. The haze came from forest fires in Sumatra, across the Malacca Strait. A row broke out between some government officials in Singapore and Indonesia.

First vows and new vocations

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As vocations fall in many provinces around the world, the Society of Jesus continues to receive good numbers for vocations in Vietnam.

On May 31, the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 15 Vietnamese men took their first vows of chastity, poverty and obedience as Jesuits. Fr Provincial Joseph Pham Thanh Liem SJ presided over the vow Mass held at the Epiphany Church of the Society of Jesus. The celebration included 35 concelebrants, many Jesuits, family and friends of the men taking vows, benefactors and lay collaborators of the Society.