Refining the RWC vision and mission

In a time of cosmetic solutions and weakening commitment to social causes, the recent De Statu Societatis Iesu (DSS) challenges us to reflect deeply: how do we truly heed the call to care for our common home? This question engaged … Continued

Of religious vows and freedom in Jesuit life

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For three days, from 24-26 January, novices from the different provinces across the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) gathered online to deepen their understanding of the religious vows, especially in the context of their current stage of formation. Guided … Continued

A moment of sharing and listening in Girisonta

posted in: Formation, JCAP News | 0

Girisonta is a place of great significance for the Indonesian Jesuits. It marks both the beginning and end of their Jesuit journeys. The Novice Directors of our Jesuit conference are grateful to the Stanislaus Kostka Novitiate community in Girisonta for … Continued

Fifteen Vietnamese Jesuits ordained to the priesthood

On 2 December, 15 Vietnamese Jesuit deacons responded to God’s invitation and embraced the call to be Jesus’ companions in the priestly vocation, following in the example of St Ignatius and his first companions. The new priests are Fr Joseph … Continued

Service through words and deeds

“Today is a great day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad,” declared Bishop Honesto F Ongtioco of Cubao as he began his homily on that special Saturday morning of 14 October. Indeed, it was a great … Continued

MAGIS 2023 opens in Lisbon

The long-awaited MAGIS 2023 officially opened on 22 July with an enthusiastic welcome for the nearly 2,000 young pilgrims from more than 80 countries, including 225 pilgrims from Asia Pacific. During the welcome ceremony held at the Colégio de São … Continued