With greater freedom

The Arrupe Month is a significant period of formation for Jesuit scholastics when, after some years in the Society, we are invited to retrace individually and together our call to the priesthood and to personal intimacy with the Lord. Looking … Continued

Celebrate the journey of conversion

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In celebration of the Feast Day of St Ignatius of Loyola, join the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific as we pray and journey towards true conversion. While we commemorate the 500th anniversary of St Ignatius’ injury at the Battle of … Continued

Keeping protection and safety at the heart of our mission

Fostering a safe and supportive environment, especially where children and vulnerable people are concerned, has been at the forefront of the mission of the Society of Jesus. It is in fact one of three important matters entrusted by General Congregation … Continued

Widespread floods hit parts of Vietnam and Cambodia

Extreme rainfall from three typhoons (Noul, Linfa, and Nangka) that hit in the first two weeks of October has severely affected people in central Vietnam and western Cambodia, and an incoming tropical depression is expected to worsen the situation. As … Continued