Companions in a mission of justice and reconciliation

What we do > Social Justice

Reconciliation with Creation

Reconciliation with Creation: The Jesuit Response to Laudato Siโ€™ in Asia Pacific

Reconciliation with Creation has been an apostolic priority of the Jesuits in Asia Pacific since 2010. We were encouraged the following year by the publication of Healing a Broken World, in which Father General Adolfo Nicolรกs SJ emphasised the need for all Jesuit ministries to engage in reconciliation with creation. In 2011, the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific also initiated Flights for Forests, a carbon offset scheme to reduce the impact of air travel on the environment.

In 2015, we enthusiastically welcomed Pope Francisโ€™ encyclical Laudato si, appreciating the attention he drew to the urgent need for reconciliation with creation. In a statement issued after their July meeting that year, the major superiors in our Jesuit Conference urged โ€œall the members of our Conference, our colleagues, and all those we seek to serve to make a thoughtful and generous response to the Holy Fatherโ€™s pleaโ€. They highlighted the need to continue to examine the issues of migration; pollution; nuclear power; sustainable energy; stewardship of resources; and the dignity of every human personโ€”all issues that Pope Francis raised in his encyclical. In the same year, we came out with a Reconciliation with Creation strategy for 2015-2019.

As we persevere in our efforts in reconciliation with creation, we draw strength from a perspective of gratitude for the communities that sustain us, the structures that allow us to continually grow, and the grace to share this growth. We strive to think ecologically, from a humble faith perspective, about the care of creation. This affects our daily lives and prayer and gives us context for reflection and discernment that in turn leads to engagement and collaboration for concrete actions in reconciliation with creation. In particular, we consider the role of ecology and healing in community life, formation and leadership, and collaboration in mission.


A world journeying towards ecological conversion and reconciliation with creation, where all people are in communion with one another, especially with God, the poor and the young, and with all of Godโ€™s creation.


Fostering JCAP to be an Ignatian community actively collaborating to address the ecological crises of our time through diverse initiatives, capacity building, and strategic partnerships that strengthen local communities to live in justice, peace, and harmony with creation.


Share stories from the ecology programs of the different provinces and regions, especially their joys, challenges, and advocacies, with the rest of the Conference through various media
Gather, generate, and share materials, information, or news that may be beneficial to the ecology programs of the different provinces and regions

Conduct regular gatherings, such as JCAP-wide meetings once a year, and informative webinars and trainings that enrich and enhance our community

Suggest priorities or courses of action that respond to the crises of our times, such as shifting away from fossil fuel dependence and implementing agroecology

Encourage initiatives that relate to the JCAP flagship project โ€œCaring for Communities and Creationโ€, ie., on energy, youth and eco-spirituality, and strengthening local communities

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Creators of Hope

Through the Reconciliation with Creation network, JCAP launched Creators of Hope in 2022, an on-going search for youth-led environmental work in Asia Pacific. Creators of Hope seeks to support young individuals and groups that are making a significant contribution to their communities in responding to the ecological crises. Selected youth leaders receive a grant of US$2,000 each to help further their projects for their communities. The recipients of the award and their works are highlighted in JCAPโ€™s media channels to give hope and inspiration to others.

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