Companions in a mission of justice and reconciliation

What we do / Spirituality

Journals on Ignation Spirituality

Journals on Ignatian Spirituality: A Regional Overview

Journals on Ignatian spirituality serve as windows into the depth of discernment, faith, and mission—bridging tradition with contemporary reflections to guide seekers on the path of finding God in all things.

China (Sally Law)

  1. Collectanea Theologica Universitatis Fujen (Taipei: Fujen Catholic University Faculty of Theology):

Australia (Br Ian Cribb SJ)

  1. Madonna:
  2. Australian Catholics:
  3. Jesuit and Ignatian Spirituality Australia website:

Philippines (Fr Xave Olin SJ)

  1. Landas, Journal of the Loyola School of Theology: (not updated)
    Contact: Fr Rogel Abais SJ, LST Academic Vice-President
  2. Timon, Journal of St John Vianney Theological Seminary [no website: contact: Fr Norlan H Julia, SJ]
  3. Emmaus Center does not have its own journal per se, but they have a list of articles authored by their team members — published in their pamphlet ‘Formation in a Complex World.’
  4. Asia Pacific Mission Studies, East Asian Pastoral Institute
  5. The Pilgrim and the Sage book edited by Fr Ari C Dy SJ

Korea (Fr Young Hoon Kim SJ)

  1. Theology and Philosophy, Institute for Theology (Seoul, Sogang University):
    Contact: Fr Joseph Yong-hae Kim SJ

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