Major Superiors’ meeting in Sydney

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Once again, major superiors from East Asia and Oceania came face to face to discuss common concerns and issues relevant to the region. This time, they met in Sydney, Australia last January 29 to February 2. The group welcomed its latest member, Fr. John Mace (WIS), Major Superior of the East Timor Region. Their meeting was graced by the presence of Frs. Maria Anthony and Renato Zecchin who provided information on Pakistan. The contributions of Ms. Jenni Winters and Mr. Edward Shuttleworth on Magis08, and Ms. Robyn Wunder on Jesuit-Lay collaboration were very impressive and inspiring. This opportunity for the Jesuits to meet lay collaborators provided a pattern for planning and preparing future meetings.

The group gratefully appreciated the hospitality of the host, particularly Br. Kevin Hudy, the Minister of Canisius Community, for making them feel welcome.

In the meeting, the major superiors came up with the following decisions:

  1. LST’s plan for the implementation of the Assistancy’s mandate for LST to be more Asian in content, methodology and culture was approved. Fr. Mario Francisco will be the key person to coordinate the effort.
  2. A new Proration system will be approved by the Major Superiors at the July 2007 Meeting. In the meantime, each Major Superior brings this matter to his own consultors and treasurer.
  3. The Arca Seminarii and Development Fund will be kept under JCEAO for the sake of stability and management.
  4. The JCEAO’s Budget for 2007 is approved by the Major Superiors.
  5. Each unit will identify contact persons and send names and contact details to Edward Shuttleworth or Jenni Winters for Magis08. Magis08 is a formation program from June to September 2008 for young adults before and beyond World Youth Day. World Youth Day will be held in Australia on July 15–20, 2008.
  6. A governing body, composed of Frs. Danny Huang, John Mace, Louis Gendron and Adolfo Nicolás, was formed for Arrupe International Residence. Its main function will be to supervise general directions of Formation and support the new rector, Fr. Koichi Matsumoto, in the name of the Assistancy.