Companions in a mission of justice and reconciliation

10 April 2008

Welcome Fr Nico and Fr Mark

Categories: JCAP News

He left as the President of the JCEAO and came back as Fr. General. So, when Fr Adolfo Nicolás visited us last March 14 – 23, we welcome him with much joy and we were deeply honoured when he shared his Roman experiences. In the midst of his cleaning up his office and packing his things, he graciously spent time with the various communities in the Manila area: EAPI, Arrupe International Residence, Loyola House of Studies, Xavier School. He either presided the Eucharist, or shared a simple meal, always ready with his charming smile and clerical collar in the never-ending picture taking.

On March 18, Fr Mark Raper (ASL), the newly appointed President, arrived and the JCEAO staff no longer felt orphaned. Fr Raper spent the next few days with Fr Nico, familiarizing himself with his new mission. He left Manila on March 22 and will be back in May for the Consult. He hopes to come permanently in early September.

The following day, March 23, Fr Nico also departed for Rome with a promise that we will be have lunch with him in his next visit to the Philippines.

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