EAO Major Superiors met in Tokyo, Japan on June 26-29

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EAO Major Superiors in Tokyo

Frater, Ave Atque Vale…

"Through many countries and over many seas" did the EAO Major Superiors assemble in the end of June, at Sophia University, Tokyo. Catullus could have provided one of the themes, "and for eternity, Brother, Hail and Farewell."

Trouble is, little is ‘forever’ in the Jesuit world. We said goodbye to Fr Danny Huang, out-going Philippine Provincial, but we will see him again as EAO Assistant. We bade farewell to Fr Mark Raper, while he chaired the meeting as incoming President of the Conference. Frs Matthias Chae and Priyono Marwan will truly leave as Superiors of Korea and Indonesia, but Fr Joe Doan, outgoing EAO Assistant, will become Superior in Jerusalem, and Fr Mark reminded us of the ancient Jewish prayer, "next year in Jerusalem." Indeed, little is forever in the Jesuit world.

On a more permanent footing, the group welcomed three new Provincials, Fr Steve Curtin of Australia, Fr Jojo Magadia of the Philippines, and Fr Riyo Mursanto of Indonesia. Plus Fr Gabriel Byong-young Je, the Delegate for Cambodia.

Fr Mark chaired his first meeting with both dispatch and charm. The results will be published soon in the various Province Newsletters.