Companions in a mission of justice and reconciliation

08 November 2008

Fr General’s intervention to the XII Synod of Bishops

Categories: JCAP News

Father Adolfo Nicolás was appointed by the Holy Father to be a member of the XII Synod of Bishops on The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church. The members of the Synod may address the assembly directly or submit their interventions in writing. Father Nicolás’ written intervention was published in the Official Bulletin of the Synod, on October 15. The text, original in English, follows.

In these days of the Synod we have heard a good number of those aspects that make the Holy Scriptures such a precious gift from God.

And yet we continue to feel that there will always be (something) new or unanswered. The questions that reach us most often are of a pastoral character. The people of God continue to ask the pastoral question: How can we read the Scriptures so that they produce in us, in our hearts, in our families and in our communities all the good effects that Christian Tradition has proclaimed through the Centuries?

Allow me to address just one concrete aspect within the wider pastoral breadth of the question. This aspect is the so-called "Medicinal" or "Transforming" power of the Word of God. It is my conviction that the Word of God can claim in a high degree a "therapeutic" role in the life of the Christian community.

Every time we "enter" the World of the Bible, we are exposed to a New World: God’s World; God’s Action; God’s teaching of his people. The encounter, if real, can be shocking, surprising, enlightening, soothing or consoling. It can also be misunderstood and lost.

Thus the conditions of the encounter are all important. Pastors and Ministers of the Word have to become good helpers for good and fruitful encounters. We need to know where people really are (diagnosis); we need the skills for presenting the Word (teaching, preaching, biblical catechesis); we are expected to be good company in the search for depth (contemplation); and we are ordained or commissioned for good Christian leadership (service of love for community and Christian living).

Which means that Pastors and Ministers of the Word need training for good diagnosis, for wise application of forms of reading, for deeper prayer and interiorization of the Word of God, and for a meaningful accompaniment that helps the faithful discern the action of the Spirit in and through the reading of the Bible.

Since this is a fine skill that requires deep spiritual sense, adequate training and discerned commissioning, it seems highly needed that this training be included in the preparation for the pastoral ministry and in programs of ongoing formation for all Priests. Moreover all Parishes and/or Dioceses should have access to Centers or Trained persons that can offer this service to individuals or communities and who can train catechists and other lay ministers in this important service.

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