Mr Cheng Guan is now JRS-Singapore Director

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Mr Cheong Cheng Guan assumed the post of Country Coordinator of the Jesuit Refugee Service Singapore last February 21. He brings in his skills and experiences in management and finances having been in the Banking and Finance Industry for 25 years. His first encounter with ]RS was during a mission trip to a refugee camp in Thailand. Since then he has been involved in various activities of ES Singapore including Information and Advocacy sub- committees, the subcommittees in support of IRS Thailand and Cambodia projects and organizing the World Refugee Day Masses.

Mr Cheng Guan replaced Fr Colin Tan (MAS), who was appointed as the Novice Master and Treasurer of the Malaysia-Singapore Region Novitiate beginning January 1. Fr Colin is much appreciated for his leadership, skills in maintaining good relationships at various levels, fund raising abilities, pastoral support to the volunteers, and above all his dedication to the mission of accompanying, service and advocating the cause of refugees and displaced people. Thank you, Fr Colin!

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