Newsbits on Cambodia

Jesuit Refugee Service Cambodia reports that the International Convention on Cluster Munitions has now been ratified by 30 countries, which means that it will become binding international law on 1 September 2010. The director of JRS Cambodia, Sister Denise Coghlan, had been lobbying tirelessly governments as part of the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC). (Source: Headlines 2010/02 News from the Jesuit Social Apostolate)

Fr Vicente Bonet (JPN) from Sophia University, Japan led 12 members of a group called Camboren (Friends of Cambodia) last February 6 – 13 to visit Jesuit Service projects in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, with special attention to Sisophon where Camboren funded three wooden classroom school buildings in a landmine-affected village, Ko Ampil, and other projects in that area this year. Camboren has been supporting some projects of Jesuit Service in Sisophon for several years already. Jesuit Service is grateful for their generosity.

A “long-term” visitor, Br Francis Jo Hyung-sik (KOR) arrived in Cambodia on February 2. He will be spending his regency years there. After some days of orientation period, he will start his Khmer language study for three months before he is given a specific apostolate assignment. May his regency in Cambodia be a fruitful and good time for his formation to the priesthood. (Contributor: Fr Greg Priyadi)