This is an article written by Fr Jojo Fung (MAS) for a book publication by Penerbit Ledalero (Ledalero Publishing House) at the STFK (Catholic Institute of Philosophy and Theology) in Ledalero, where John Prior SVD, a well known Asian theologian, has been lecturing for more than 25 years. The book is in honor of John’s 65th birthday in gratitude for his dedication to academic progress, in particular in Ledalero, and as a contribution of STFK Ledalero towards the development of contextual theology in Indonesia.
John Prior, SVD, is one of a few theologians who resides in Indonesia, yet contributes to the growth of the Church in Asia, as well as the universal Church. He is often sought to give talks to various Church conferences and is highly respected in facilitating retreats. He is also involved in the ecumenical movement, engaging theologians from other churches in dialogue. John is recognized for his vital role in bridging theology and social sciences, the Catholic Church and other Churches, theologies and spiritualities, in Indonesia, Asia and the world.
“For the kingdom of God consists not in spoken words but in power.” (1 Cor 4:20-21)
The call for more effective approaches to the evangelizing mission of the church in Asia has been a perennial challenge and concern of the Asian bishops and theologians, more so for the local churches inserted in the web of everyday relationship with the marginalized and believers of the different cultures and religions. Whatever the new approaches, the effectiveness of the approaches depends ultimately on the church manifesting the sacred power of God’s Spirit in the perennial mission of proclaiming the sustainability of life with greater dignity and justice in the human and earth communities. This life is only sustainable when the human community learns to uphold with awe and reverence the sacredness of all lives, beings and all persons created inviolable in the sight of God.
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