JRS Asia Pacific launches new website

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After nearly eight months of planning and work, JRS Asia Pacific launched its new website, www.jrsap.org, in April 4, 2011, International Mine Awareness Day.

The new website presents the work of JRS in the region and for the first time comprehensively highlights the plight of urban refugees with videos, photos, stories and news articles.  The work of JRS in eight Asia Pacific countries will be presented in greater detailthat will include campaigns on landmines, women, education and detention.

Empowering refugees and bringing their voices to the forefront are core to the mission and values of JRS and a special place will be given in the website to the voices of refugees and a new multimedia library.

Currently only available in English, the website will offer Thai and Indonesian versions later in the year.  The new website is part of a relaunch of JRS websites worldwide.

JRS Asia Pacific chose International Mine Awareness Day to formally launch its website to bring attention to one of its longest-running and farthest-reaching campaigns. JRS has been campaigning against landmines in the early 1990s and cluster munitions since 2008. JRS is one of the founding organisations of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997.