JRS marks World Refugee Day

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June 20 was World Refugee Day, a day that puts the spotlight on the plight of refugees and highlights how they can be treated with dignity and humanity.  This year, World Refugee Day coincides with the 60th anniversary  of the United Nations Refugee Convention, which outlines the rights of refugees and the responsibilities of people hosting them.

In a statement dated June 13, the Jesuit Refugee Service Asia Pacific urged governments in the region to sign the Convention and implement procedures that ensure the protection of refugees, providing them with explicit rights.

JRS Asia Pacific said that developing countries like Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia hosts tens of thousands of refugees at any given time and these refugees deserve rights and protection.  Signing the Convention and implementing the practical procedures will ensure that refugees are treated with respect rather than treated as illegal migrants and forced into hiding or arrested and detained.

It also urged countries that have signed the Convention to keep to its spirit and letter.

To read the full JRS Asia Pacific statement, click here.  

Other JRS World Refugee Day/Week messages and resources