Companions in a mission of justice and reconciliation

20 March 2012

Fr General on refugees, communications and social justice

While he was in Australia in January, Fr General Adolfo Nicolás SJ responded to questions on vital areas for the Society in the country, including refugees, communications and social justice.


How can we advance and expand the educational work that is being done to foster peace-building and reconciliation in post-conflict settings?  

Fr General’s response.


Since the time of the early companions, it has been a special mission of the Jesuits to confront atheism. How much of a priority is this currently, and what exactly is the Society doing about it? 

Father General’s response.

Social Justice

What do you see is the role of the Jesuits and the Society’s works in promoting a more just society?

Father General’s response.

Father General also responded to questions on Education, Spirituality and Youth.

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