A message at Christmas

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… this by the tender mercy of our God
who from on high will bring the rising Sun to visit us,
to give light to those who live
in darkness and the shadow of death,
and to guide our feet
into the way of peace.
Luke 1: 78-79


Love is born in the most unlikely places.  A star gives hope to the most unlikely witnesses. Gifts are carried by the most unlikely guests.

Even at heavy year’s end, the Christ Child’s coming may evoke in us love, hope and gift.

We may see our lives and events inside the mysteries of Christ. The joys, hopes, sorrows and anxieties of our times are celebrated in the birth of Christ.  He entered our lives so that we might enter his.  He became what we are so we might become what he is.  He is present in the places where we have always been. May we enter his mystery so that he may enter our lives.

The medieval artist Giotto painted his contemporaries into scenes of the Holy Family. People of his time helped Joseph lead the donkey on which Mary carried the Child in their terrifying flight into Egypt. This mystery in the life of the Holy Family is lived out again in the lives of countless people forcibly on the move today.

Today in our prayer, our love, hopes and gifts, may we accompany each other whether close or distant, asking to believe that no one is far from God’s love.  As the year rushes to a close, spare a moment, a thought for the Rohingya people in Myanmar, in camps and on perilous journeys; for the millions who survived the terror of Typhoon Bopha in southern Philippines and are struggling to recover, and for the over a thousand who perished; for the people of Samoa whose tiny island nation was devastated by Cyclone Evan. This year, it is reported, climate induced disasters claimed more lives in Asia Pacific than anywhere else in the world.  A sobering thought, a cause for prayer to the Christ Child who is born among us in most unlikely places.

At Christmas we look both back and forward – giving thanks for the year past and asking for light and blessings on plans and promises in a fresh year.  From the vantage point of the Jesuit Conference I see much grace given to us through 2012 and pray now for all who our lives will touch in the coming year.

“Look upon Jesus as your friend… Learn to see him, to remain with him.
All that we need for our life is attained with a pouring forth of heart to heart.
If you go with Jesus, if you remain with Jesus
You will certainly become another Jesus.
(Pedro Arrupe)


Mark Raper SJ
Christmas 2012