Collaborating for prayer and action on the climate crisis

A global movement of Catholics working together on climate issues was launched on January 14 with a statement presented to Pope Francis during his papal visit to the Philippines. The Global Catholic Climate Movement is the first international coalition of Catholics working toward a sustainable climate future.  Its members are Catholic organizations and leaders from across the world, including the Reconciliation with Creation priority of the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific, EcoJesuit and the Jesuit European Social Centre.  Its mission echoes the global dimensions of the Catholic Church and a shared sense of responsibility to care for God’s beautiful, life-giving creation.

In its statement, the movement calls for prayer and action among the world’s Catholics.  Inspired by Church teachings and guided by the virtue of prudence, understood by Saint Thomas Aquinas as “right reason applied to action”, the movement accepts the findings of scientific leaders, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, that humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions are contributing to widespread and mostly harmful changes to planetary systems.

According Dr Pablo Canziani, a climate scientist from Argentina participating in the movement, “Conversations about the climate crisis have historically been more about intellectual arguments than about the profound spiritual and moral implications of our failure to care for God’s creation. The basis of our concerns is scriptural and founded on the tradition of the Church. From Genesis through Revelation, Catholics accept as a revealed truth that creation and its order is a good that we must embrace and steward. This has been echoed and championed by Church leaders for two millennia.”

Patrick Carolan, executive director of the Franciscan Action Network, who is also a member of the group, explained the statement further by saying: “Enhanced with teachings from Pope Francis and the Bishops of the Philippines, the statement calls for Catholics to promote the teachings of the church, appreciate their moral responsibility to act, and raise awareness about climate change and its impacts, particularly on the poor and future generations. Catholics are encouraged to take part in future actions that seek a strong international climate agreement, and entrust all our efforts to Jesus Christ, who makes all things new.”

From the Philippines, the Ecology Ministry coordinator at the Archdiocese of Manila, Lou Arsenio, added: “The movement plans to promote networking and sharing of information on climate change among Catholic organizations across national borders, to enhance a greater understanding of Catholic teaching on care of God’s creation, and to respond to Pope Francis’ and other church leaders’ concern about climate change.”

Pope Francis in TaclobanOn January 17, Pope Francis celebrated an open air Mass in Tacloban, which was devastated by Typhoon Haiyan just over a year ago.  Tens of thousands braved the pouring rain and strong winds brought by Tropical Storm Mekkhala to attend the Mass.

“In the rains of Tacloban, Pope Francis met his flock with compassion. As he talked with them, he walked through their path of suffering over the last 14 months, and for many a lifetime of poverty.  These were healing words and loving presence,” said Fr Pedro Walpole SJ, Coordinator for Reconciliation with Creation, Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific.

“Typhoon Haiyan was an extreme weather event indicative of the destructive shift in climate change and social exclusion. We must continue to support the need for change in how we live and how we care for creation and neighbour.”

Pope Francis indicated on the flight back to Rome that the encyclical on ecology may be ready in July. [EcoJesuit]