Caring for the environment at school

Educate Magis has released a video that showcases some of the work being done by Jesuit schools around the world in response to Pope Francis’ call for young people “to care for creation not only as responsible citizens, but also as followers of Christ”.

American Jesuit Fr Joseph Carver introduces and concludes the stories from six provinces, one from each of the six Jesuit Conferences, with words linking Ignatian Spirituality and Ecology, inspiring us to take the long view in our care for creation. “The long view means that we are not the centre, but we are part of something so much greater,” he says. “The long view means paying attention to what we use, how we eat, even how we have fun. Jesuit schools are committed to action in the healing and reconciling with creation.”

This is seen in the diverse Educate Magis network of students and teachers, presidents and parents who appear in the video to present ecological and sustainability projects in their schools in Guatemala, USA, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the United Kingdom, India and Australia.

Also in the video is Fr Pedro Walpole SJ, an environmental scientist and the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific’s Coordinator for Reconciliation with Creation.  He shares his experience of working with children and students in the Philippines and the wider Asia Pacific region, teaching them both the science and practice of caring for the environment.

Watch a preview of the video below. For more information visit