Registration opens for the JCAP conference on sustainability

The Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific is inviting Jesuits, collaborators and friends to participate in a conference on sustainability.  Entitled A Call to Dialogue on the Sustainability of Life in the ASEAN Context, the meeting will be held in Sanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta from August 8 to 10, 2016.

It is an opportunity to reflect, discuss, and explore actions on sustainability of life in the ASEAN context across several ministries.  This is the largest collaboration of JCAP sectors in recent years and involves nine areas in which the Jesuits in Asia Pacific work – Dialogue with Buddhism, Dialogue with Islam, Indigenous Ministry, Social Apostolate, Migration, Reconciliation with Creation, Higher Education, Basic Education and Formation.

For more information, click on the links below.


Concept Paper:

Facebook Group:

Official Registration Form: