Companions in a mission of justice and reconciliation

15 August 2018

JCAP, EAPI and AIR thank Fr Nicolás as he returns to Japan

Categories: JCAP News


A final group photo with his AIR community

Fr Adolfo Nicolás’ returned to his home province of Japan on August 6, 2018.  He left Manila early in the morning accompanied by Japanese Provincial Fr Renzo De Luca, and arrived safely in Tokyo where they were met by Fr Sanji Yamaoka, Socius, and Fr Yasunori Yamauchi, Assistant to the Director of Loyola House, Fr Nicolás’ new residence.

Before he left, JCAP and his communities in the East Asian Pastoral Institute and Arrupe International Residence gathered to thank him and bid him farewell.


The Jesuit Adolfo Nicolás
From JCAP and EAPI, a video tribute to a former Superior General and former EAPI Director.


Sayonara, Fr Nico!
The Arrupe International Residence looks back on significant moments with Fr Nicolás during his stay in the Philippines.


Related story: EAPI endowment fund launched in honour of Fr Nicolás

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