Jesuit Mission welcomes visiting Thai students

“It was a very special occasion to host the Thai students from Xavier Learning Community (XLC) at our event in Sydney”, said Helen Forde, CEO of Jesuit Mission.

“It was one of those rare opportunities when we could directly connect our friends and companions of Jesuit Mission here, with individuals who are participating in Jesuit-run programmes overseas.”

Wiiner, Zen, Tae, Praew and Nut, who visited Sydney in February 2019, hail from the mountainous Golden Triangle area of Thailand. Each had desperately wanted to further their education after high school but their families could not afford to support them through university.

Their lives changed forever when, by excelling at an entrance exam and interview, they were selected to attend XLC, the Jesuit-run tertiary education institute in Chiang Rai. XLC opened its doors in 2017, offering free or subsidised education to disadvantaged minorities such as the Karen, Akha, Lahu and Hmong hill tribes.

XLC supports the students to achieve a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English, which is seen as a world language and a key to their future careers. In addition, every student at XLC undertakes profession-based training including English for teaching, eco-tourism and hospitality plus sustainable community development.

XLC students Wiiner, Zen, Tae, Praew and Nut with Jesuit Mission CEO Helen Forde

Self-sustainability is a key value of the Institute, which features vegetable beds, a chicken coop, banana grove and fish farm, the students explained in English (their third language).

Rungnapha Ma-yoe (nicknamed “Praew”) said, “Xavier Learning Community is very important for me because this place teaches me a lot more than learning or studying. They teach me to be confident, teach me to be proud of myself and teach me to be a good person and to be a person for others… I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this project and I will try my best every day in return for your kindness.”

The students gave a presentation, answered stories from guests and shared their hopes for the future. Zen, Nut and Tae want to be teachers. Praew wants to be a tour guide and Wiiner wants to be a flight attendant. With their drive and vision, it will not be long.

Jesuit Mission would like to thank The Cardoner Project who arranged this exchange and who have facilitated over 70 young Australian volunteers spending a year of service with the Jesuits in Thailand since 2011.

Jesuit Mission is hoping to support XLC later in 2019. If you are able to help, please go to

Listen to Chaiwat Sukdenchaikul (Wiiner) describe how his faith was restored after he gained entry to the Xavier Learning Community Chaing Rai, Thailand.



Victoria Graham works as the Communications Coordinator for Jesuit Mission in Sydney. She has a Bachelor of Design and is a qualified veterinary nurse. Her work includes graphic design, freelance film work, fundraising, event management and environmental conservation.