Son of Ignatius honoured with the “Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice” medal

Monsignor Marco Sprizzi  and Bishop Virgilio do Carmo da Silva DD present Fr José Alves Martins SJ with the Pope’s Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice medal for service to the Catholic Church.

Portuguese missionary Fr José Alves Martins SJ has worked for the church and the people of Timor-Leste for more than four decades. He lived among the Timorese through the hard years of the Indonesian occupation until the restoration of the country’s independence in 2002. On March 26, Fr Martins was presented the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice by the Bishop of the Diocese of Dili, Virgilio do Carmo da Silva DD, and the representative of the Vatican in Timor-Leste, Monsignor Marco Sprizzi.

The Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, also known as the “Decoration of Honour”, is an award of the Roman Catholic Church bestowed on members of the laity and clergy who have offered distinguished service to the church. As a Jesuit missionary, Fr Martins’ contribution as an Ignatian follower and as a priest who cares for the people and the church has manifested the presence of Christ among the people.

“I am delighted to be here with you all today to present the Decoration of Honour from the Holy Father to Fr José Alves Martins SJ as a symbol of kindness and trust for the work and contribution that Fr Martins has made for the people and the church as a missionary in Timor-Leste for many years”, said Monsignor Sprizzi.

Fr Martins accompanied the Timorese people through the hard years of the Indonesian occupation until the restoration of the country’s independence in 2002.

Fr Martins has been a missionary in Timor-Leste for 45 years. He came to the country on September 23, 1974, a year before the occupation of Indonesia, which lasted 24 years, from 1975 to 1999. He says it was a time when he learnt to love, forgive and suffer.

“This Decoration of Honour that I received today is not only for myself but also for the Society of Jesus and all the Jesuits in Timor-Leste that have dedicated their entire lives to serve the people and the church”, said Fr Martins.

Jesuit Superior in Timor-Leste Fr Joaquim Sarmento SJ also thanked Msgr Sprizzi for conferring the medal on Fr Martins.

“This is a sign of appreciation and trust given the Society of Jesus in continuing our work to serve the church and the people of Timor-Leste”, said Fr Sarmento.

In 2012, Fr Martins was also awarded the Medalha de Mérito de Dom Marito da Costa Lópes, Timor-Leste’s second highest medal, by then President Taur Matan Ruak in recognition of Fr Martins’ contributions during the struggle and fight of the people of Timor-Leste for independence.

Fr Martins with Jesuits and friends