A call for a compassionate and humane Australian society

Photo courtesy of capsa.org.au

With the Federal Election in Australia on May 18, the Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum (CAPSA), in which Jesuit Social Services takes a lead role, has issued a statement calling for a “commitment from all sides of party politics to language and policies that reflect a compassionate and humane Australian society”.

The statement draws on the words of Pope John Paul II and calls for a change in the way Australia sees, treats and lives together with people seeking asylum.

“[W]e need to heed the words of Pope John Paul II ‘to see Christ in every brother and sister in need, to proclaim and defend the dignity of every migrant, every displaced person and every refugee. In this way, assistance given will not be considered an alms from the goodness of our heart, but an act of justice due to them’”, the statement said, quoting Pope John Paul II’s speech to the participants in the Assembly of the Council of the International Catholic Migration Commission in 2001.

CAPSA urges the incoming Federal Government “to legislate and make policies that are fair and compassionate” adding that the “[d]iscriminatory treatment towards people seeking asylum who have arrived by boat to Australia is unnecessary for the security of our borders. It is possible to be both fair and kind.”

The organisation lamented the current situation of people seeking asylum in Nauru and Manus islands and the “thousands of vulnerable individuals and families who are at risk and suffering destitution due to Government support being removed and no longer offered”.

The statement said it is everyone’s challenge “to use language and to act in a way that consistently acknowledges the human dignity and preciousness of each person who seeks asylum”.

Australia is the first country from the Pacific region to serve on the UN Human Rights Council.

CAPSA calls on political leaders and policy makers to re-work the way Australia complies with its international obligations and the personal needs of those who seek asylum.

“Australia’s current policies and processes relating to those seeking asylum, with distinctive discrimination against those who arrived by boat, cannot be characterised as fair – nor can the large sums of money spent on detention centres, both onshore and offshore”, they said.

The organisation reiterated its commitment to serve, assist and journey with people seeking asylum and refugees across the health, education, pastoral and social spheres.

“The Catholic community stands ready to continue our work of welcome. Our political leaders must introduce and champion policies that complement the wonderful work that so many Catholic parishes, schools, organisations and congregations do to welcome and accompany people newly arrived to this country.”

Read the full statement here.