“The Wheel & The Cross” invites readers to genuine understanding of religious traditions in Buddhism and Christianity

The newest publication of the Buddhist Studies and Dialogue Group of the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) is inspired by the “loving friendship” that forms “the most vital base for interreligious dialogue and collaboration”.

Fr In-gun Kang SJ, Coordinator for the Buddhist Studies and Dialogue Group, says The Wheel & The Cross shows “how the Buddhist ‘wheel’ of profound wisdom meets the Christian cross of selfless love” guiding believers of the two faith traditions along the same spiritual journey of building a world where “humans as well as other beings live harmoniously together”.

This is the second anthology by Jesuits and friends on Buddhism and dialogue edited by Fr Cyril Veliath SJ, Professor Emeritus of Indian Philosophy and Religion at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan. Their first book, The Buddha & Jesus, published in 2015 features a collection of articles from their annual workshops over the first five years since their first gathering in Chiang Mai, Thailand in 2010. From the original members of Jesuit Buddhist scholars from East Asia and South Asia, the group’s membership has grown to include Buddhist monks and nuns, non-Jesuit priests, a Protestant pastor, and lay practitioners of both religious traditions.

The Wheel & The Cross continues their journey of mutual understanding of different religions and denominations. It includes 28 articles comprising a balance of academic papers and personal reflections that “reveal the spirit that inspires our Buddhist studies and dialogue, namely a quest for genuine understanding of and sincere respect for each other,” says Fr Kang.

In his foreword to the book, JCAP President Fr Tony Moreno SJ noted the long-standing efforts that the members of the group have put into the work of interfaith exchange and understanding, contributing to “a richness of life and freedom” and promoting “rapport, selflessness, detachment from worldly enticements, spiritual depth, and mutual responsibility for humankind and creation”.

The book is also an offering for the Ignatian Year, encouraging Jesuits and collaborators to experience seeing God in all things, including in other religions. For Buddhist readers, the book is an invitation to join the Jesuits in fostering solidarity against all forms of division and conflict.


“The Wheel & The Cross” is available to read for free in PDF and EPUB versions.